“When I have a photograph, I don’t fast.”

04:50 PM

Monday 03 April 2023

I wrote – Manal El Geyoushi:

Actress Ghada Abdel Razek said in televised statements that she is unable to fast if she is associated with filming her artwork.

And Ghada continued: “When I still have photography and pictures from my early days, frankly, I am not fasting. I am taking medication and my immunity is weak, and I can work from 7 in the morning until 3 in the morning.”

And she continued: “I was able to fast and do this when I was young, but if I do not have a photograph, I fast and do the same as all the people do. We do not come from another planet, rituals like the people who are present in every home.”

Actress Ghada Abdel Razek participates in the current Ramadan drama, in the series “Telat Al-Talata”, which will be shown starting on the 16th of Ramadan.

And co-starring the series: Majed Al-Masry, Salah Abdullah, Muhammad Al-Qess, Mustafa Darwish, Laila Ahmed Zahir, and directed by Hassan Saleh.

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