“When the Brain Ages: The Importance of Physical Activity for Healthy Aging and Brain Function” at Bachut Media Library in Lyon

2023-04-26 10:02:26

Date hour : Thu. 04/05/2023
from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Lieu : Bachut media library

Last conference of the “When the brain ages” cycle of the Open University, dedicated to physical activity as a way to age better.

Dozens of very serious studies have shown that regular physical exercise can reduce the mortality associated with cardiovascular disease, certain forms of cancer, diabetes in people over 60-65 years old.

According to the WHO, older people should practice at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate physical activity or at least 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous physical activity each week. On the cognition side, recent studies clearly highlight the link between a sedentary lifestyle and the decline in performance of the frontal lobes during aging. Finally, preliminary data in people with Parkinson’s disease show that intensive physical activity very quickly improves cerebral plasticity. During this presentation, the link between physical activity and brain function will be detailed, while giving some ideas for self-rehabilitation.


– Teodor Danaila, Inserm research fellow at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences.

In this cycle of lectures, we will study what happens in our brain when pathological states develop during aging. We will analyze the part of the normal and that of the pathological in cognitive, motor and sensory processes. We will also see different non-drug therapeutic approaches to age well.

Bachut media library
2 place of November 11, 1918, 69007 Lyon

Admission by reservation:
by phone: 04 78 78 12 12 or on the media library website

Free entry for students and staff of Université Lyon 1
For outsiders, a membership at 85 euros per year gives you access to the entire program of the Open University.

#Physical #activity #slow #brain #aging

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