“Where is the problem, 10 billion has increased the debt in the country and our poverty has increased, if they have abandoned people, where is the problem” 2024-04-16 19:29:36

In the Encuentro interview with Julio Villagrán, political analyst Ronal Umaña expressed that the current government is not interested in the population, it only cares regarding money. The current politicians do not have a development model for the progress of society, demonstrating that they are third worldists by pretending that they have a true desire to develop El Salvador, but in reality they look following their personal interests and that was revealed with the loans that they made to a bank.

“Where is the problem, 10 billion has increased the debt in the country and our poverty has increased, if they have abandoned people, where is the problem… The money was supposed to be enough when no one stole and Now, why is it not enough? “questioned the political analyst.

Umaña also highlighted that the reduction of deputies for the next legislative period represents savings in public spending, however the budget of this state body is one million dollars more.

Furthermore, the University of El Salvador has economic problems for its independent survival. Based on this, the analyst recalled Nayib Bukele’s promises for this institution, none of which have been fulfilled.

“Bukele said when he was a candidate, 3 universities, Ahuachapán, Chalatenango and La Unión, that he was going to increase the budget until he had the highest GDP in investment in a university and that they were going to have cutting-edge technology, and now he murdered the university”says the analyst.

For the analyst, the reservation of account information is because the government is misusing it and stealing the money of the Salvadoran people, doing and undoing it as they please.

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“We must understand that we must seek democracy, we have to live in democracy, obviously those in the government do not think regarding that, they think regarding 7 years of reserves for everything and that we are not going to realize it, the people will one day wake up, what the awakening will be, that is worrying”reiterates Ronal Umaña.

Finally, he highlighted that there are health professionals who are migrating to other countries, because in El Salvador they are poorly paid and mistreated, who is the voice for this sector is the Medical College and that is why the government wants to make them at a side.

“Why does the government get rid of the medical association, because the medical association is made up of honorable people and it becomes uncomfortable when it tells the government to meet to see the lack of medicines in the insurance, the community no longer likes that.” dictatorship”mentions Umaña.

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