Which physical activity against back pain?

To fight effectively once morest pain and regain mobility, thephysical activity and not negligible. It is still necessary to practice the right exercises and avoid activities that risk aggravating the pain…

Brisk walking and pilates for back pain

Staying in bed so as not to make things worse is the mistake not to make! Immobility accentuates stiffness and freezes the muscles, whereas on the contrary, moving allows them to stretch, lubricate the joints and accelerate healing. Hence the slogan of the Health Insurance: “Back pain: the right treatment is movement”. We start by walking at least a little every day, even if we go slowly and we stay indoors, and by forcing ourselves to change posture regularly. As soon as things are a little better, we increase the pace with activities such as brisk walking, cycling, rowing or jogging which, by increasing the heart rate, release painkilling molecules: endorphins, cannabinoids, etc. To practice at least three times 45 min per week.

And to optimize healing, we don’t stop there. If walking has been proven individually, when combined with Pilates, the results are even more satisfying! “At the same time, you also need to build muscle, especially in the back and abdominals, to be well sheathed and have less risk of hurting yourself when moving or lifting loads”, says Dr. Victoria Tchaikovsky, who specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation. To strengthen your abs and upper body, plan Pilates, yoga, swimming, weight training or tennis sessions at least twice a week (provided you use TRX-type straps or rubber bands, rather than machines with weights to to avoid injury).

What sport to avoid when you have back pain?

When you have joint or muscle problems, and you are not a great athlete, be careful with the programs of fitness influencers available online: sometimes they are not progressive enough. We rather follow the advice of a coach specializing in adapted physical activity (APA, information from sports-health centers throughout France, or via the directory on sfp-apa.fr) or a sports physiotherapist.



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