【Eating Safety】Apple oozes red when soaked in water

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away from me”, but recently some citizens are worried that they bought apples with added ingredients by mistake, which will affect their health! HOY TV TV show“Line Search”Earlier, I received a report from a citizen named Ms. Chen, saying that the two apples she bought at a street stall, after she soaked them in 100-degree boiling water, strangely ooze red drops of water, worrying whether there are chemical Physical things remain inside the apple.

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Miss Chen to“Line Search”He said that in order to avoid the residual pesticides and bacteria left on the surface of eating apples, he used to soak the apples bought outside the street in 100-degree boiling water for about 3 minutes. But two hours later, she was frightened to see “some red water coming out” from the skin of the apple, suspecting that it was something chemical. The filming team also bought 4 apples of different colors and conducted a test of soaking in hot water. It was found that one of the red apples indeed leaked red water droplets, and the skin turned light brown; the other green apples only had transparent water. Beads, there is no big difference.

Wen Jiamin, a lecturer in the Department of Food and Health Sciences, later commented on the program that the red water droplets are believed to be not artificial pigments, because they are easy to be noticed, and the pigments may also seep into the pulp. She estimated that the reason for the oozing of red water droplets was due to heating, which caused “the heat caused some substances on the surface to dissolve!”.

She further explained that red apples contain anthocyanins, and anthocyanins themselves are blue-purple, but because apples contain malic acid, the acidic environment will turn anthocyanins into red or pink, so the oozing sugar droplets will bring Red; green apples don’t have much anthocyanin, so they only ooze out almost transparent, sugary water droplets. As for why the surface of red apples turns light brown after being soaked in hot water, she explained that the water-soluble vitamins or antioxidants in the apples will be lost after being soaked in hot water, “for you to soak and dry.” As for the best way to clean apples, Wen Jiamin pointed out that in fact, just rinsing with water for a few minutes is enough to wash away most of the bacteria and wax on the apple surface.

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Responsible editor: Luo Jiaxin

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