Which zodiac signs does Mercury retrograde help?

2023-04-23 05:04:19

“The solar eclipse that occurred on Thursday does not directly affect the horoscope of Bulgaria. The eclipse has the greatest impact on the territories from which it is visible. This was now observed from Australia, New Zealand, some parts of China and India, but not from Bulgaria. Otherwise, the eclipse itself is very interesting and should not be underestimated. It becomes the 29th degree of Aries (each astrological sign is of 30 degrees – b.b.). Each last degree is called anaretov and is considered critical , because as a rule it brings some crises. In this case, mundane astrologers are already predicting some type of cataclysm around the April eclipse. There is talk of earthquakes or some kind of flooding, water problems”. This is what astrologer Mira Kuneva commented in an interview with “Telegraph”.

According to her, the eclipse will not determine whether or not we will have a government after the start of the new parliament. “There are other influences in Bulgaria’s horoscope that suggest to me that probably by May 5 we will see some kind of solution that will get us out of this political crisis. The eclipse makes a tense aspect with Pluto. It is a harbinger of a crisis, but it also gives a trend for renewal and change. Therefore, I think that within 2-3 months there will be some resolution of old world problems as well,” said the astrologer.

She pointed out that at the end of April the most important aspect of the year begins – Jupiter in square with Pluto, which will become exact by May 17. “These are the two planets that rule money – banks and financial structures. In addition, they have a connection with power and large corporations. And right now these two planets are making an unfavorable aspect. This means that in April-May globally there will be some kind of financial crisis, and maybe some more banks will rumble. The good news is that, despite everything, some direction towards the new will also begin – in late June and early July is the first aspect between Jupiter and Saturn after their great conjunction from the end of 2020 . Therefore, at the end of May, we will see how we come out of the economic crisis. We will have a slowdown in inflation. We will get a clearer view, we will see which businesses will go up and which are not worth investing in anymore. Therefore, always I say – the stars only give, and people should already take advantage of the situation. Against this background, more decisive and wise decisions should also be made in Bulgaria,” Mira Kuneva pointed out.

According to her, the astrological situation will most strongly affect those born in the last five days of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. As well as those born in the first 4-5 days of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. “However, people should not be afraid of eclipses. They bring an incentive for change and renewal,” advises the astrologer.

She explained that we are currently in an eclipse corridor that started with the solar on April 20th and will end on May 5th when it is the lunar. “It will occur in the signs of Scorpio and Taurus and may affect the financial markets, stock exchanges. People who trade in cryptocurrencies and stocks or other such assets should be careful. In terms of health, many people with chronic diseases these days say that they do not they feel well. There are various complaints, in some of them from the thyroid gland, in others – high blood pressure, and in others, nervous disturbances and body aches are manifested.”

Mira Kuneva also revealed what to expect from retrograde Mercury, which turned its course on April 21 in the sign of Taurus, and this period will last until May 15.

“He will bring a great deal of pragmatism to our affairs and common sense – to see what foundation we are standing on in our lives. It is a good time to review our financial security, to see what income we can count on and if there is anything we can rely on we deprive ourselves.

Mercury retrograde is initially not good for making large purchases, for large investments, for signing contracts. The moment is not suitable for starting business projects, for marriage or engagement. It’s best to wait.

Mercury in Taurus will give many of the earth signs (Virgo and Capricorn) some good situations. For example, they may renegotiate income, contracts for some activity; if they have personal relationships where they have had a fight in the past, to clear things up. In other words, this retrograde Mercury will open a good time for them to edit and correct the things they are not happy with.

Mercury will make more tense aspects to Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, who will have more difficult situations accordingly. There you can expect mistakes in purchases (with properties), in making certain bad decisions at work, etc., in relations with relatives and partners.

For Cancer and Pisces, the retrograde period will also give good situations to renegotiate some terms and also to meet people from the past. These may be old friends, partners, boyfriends, but more importantly, they will have the satisfaction of renewing relationships.

Representatives of Virgo and Capricorn should also expect meetings with people from their past, which will end very well. In some they will be casual and in others they may take the initiative. So, if one wishes to restore some kind of relationship with a certain person, one could safely call him.

Gemini will feel the influence of the retrograde cycle less, but still beware of any mistakes of their own, from which they can bring trouble on themselves.

Libras who wish to renegotiate credits, loans, will be able to do so under good conditions.

Scorpio to pay more serious attention to personal and work partnerships. And if he had any problems there, he should use the days until mid-May to iron out his relationships, but not enter into new ones, personal or business. Some of the Sagittarians should expect changes at their workplace,” the astrologer also told “Telegraph”.

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