WHO: Almost 170 cases of acute hepatitis of unknown origin detected in children in Europe and the USA – Society – Saint-Petersburg News

Almost 170 cases of acute hepatitis of unknown origin in children have been identified in 12 countries of the world. About this on April 23 writes RIA Novosti with reference to data from the World Health Organization.

Most of the cases were registered in the UK (114), followed by Spain (13), Israel (12), USA (9), Denmark (6). A few more cases were found in Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, France, Romania and Belgium.

The age of those infected ranges from 1 month to 16 years. Approximately 10% of patients required a liver transplant. At least one death is known.

It is noted that in none of these cases were hepatitis viruses types A, B, C, E and D detected. Adenovirus was detected in approximately 74 samples, adenovirus group F was detected in 18 people with molecular testing. who were tested found SARS-CoV-2, and in another 19 patients it was found along with adenovirus.

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