Why are we tempted by the paranormal and who benefits from our ghosts?

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Perspectives on this human and universal tendency to tell us stories to give meaning to our lives.

Let’s ask ourselves about our human tendency to be attracted by the paranormal. Why do we love the supernatural so much? Why is our brain somehow wired to believe, especially in wonders? These are called cognitive biases and perhaps the strangest part of all the stories we tell ourselves lies first and foremost in our brain itself… hence the importance of becoming aware of our need to give meaning to what we live and to what also attracts us in the invisible, wherever we are on the planet…

With Yves-Alexandre Thalmann, psychologist and doctor of natural sciences for his book published by Humensciences et Philippe Charlier, (doctor of forensic medicine, archaeo-anthropologist and director of the Department of Research and Education at the Musée du Quai Branly) for his book How to make love with a ghost? Anthropology of the invisible, published by Editions du Cerf.


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