Why are you dissatisfied? – Lena Miro: — LiveJournal

When the width of a man’s pants is on the same level as the woman’s knee, an oil painting “Timati and Valya” is obtained:

Photo: Social networks

On the same level with what his navel is – I don’t even want to say: you see everything yourself.

However, today we will not discuss this metrical dissonance. Let’s discuss the expression of Valentina’s beautiful face. It is frankly painful.

The thing is that a bachelor in heels dragged himself to the event not only with his Valya, but also with his mother and daughter from Shishkova.

Photo: Social networks

On the way, Simone fell in love with the brains of her son’s new girlfriend. Evona, how energetically she says something to her, and the young woman listens and smiles, smiles and nods. And then she stands with a funeral mine while her compact lover gets confused somewhere between her knees.

Dear Valya, why do you need Timati with his mother, daughter, former cohabitants and complexes about growth?


I really can’t understand this.

If already at this stage you are all shrunken, then just imagine what will happen to you next!

In short, of all Timati’s women, Sasha Donya turned out to be the smartest. No wonder I praised her more than anyone else. She looked at this small-town “Magnificent Century” and said: “Well, in fig!”

Photo: Social networks

And she did the right thing. If a man walks in heels and obeys his mother, it is too early for him to marry. And for you, my dear Valechki, what’s the point of wasting time?

And you had something that you see – is a comrade not ready for a serious one? And what did they do – still tried to marry him to themselves?

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