Why did Will Smith lose his temper at the Oscars? .. Psychology analyzes his reaction

International superstar Will Smith was exposed to an unenviable position after the Oscar presenter, comedian Chris Rock, joked about the throat of Smith’s wife, “Jada Pinkett”, which made him immediately go towards Chris and slap him in front of everyone on the stage, which made many see Smith’s act A natural response to Chris’ insult to Jada, and some saw Smith’s act as exaggerated, especially since Chris is a comedian and usually the Oscar party hosts joking with artists, so the seventh day reviews with psychological stress management consultant Dr. Abdel Azim Al Khadrawi the opinion of psychology and psychoanalysis of Will Smith At the Oscars, as follows:

Nervousness is a symptom of mental disorders:

A psychological stress management consultant said that nervousness is a symptom and not a disease. Almost all mental disorders are nervous and irritable as a symptom accompanying their basic symptoms, and nervousness and irritability is also one of the symptoms associated with severe psychological pressure, and one of its distinguishing features and is considered one of the means of expressing its existence, especially nervousness when It is directed at the younger one or the one below you in the career hierarchy, or to your children or to a safe person, when you are unable to face the original cause of the pressure, such as being your boss, or circumstances that cannot be tolerated or faced, so it comes out in the form of anger and an expression of Resentment to the weaker side of the communication loop.

Excessive nervousness is a sign of need:

The psychological stress management consultant continued that excessive nervousness in very many cases is an expression of unmet internal needs, whether psychological needs such as the desire to feel safe, love, appreciation and respect and other psychological needs Or physical needs as well, such as hunger, thirst, sex, or a lack of chemicals that the body used to use constantly to calm it, such as nicotine or caffeine in the blood, which explains the excessive nervousness of some during fasting as well.

Nervousness may be a reaction to an old situation:

He added that nervousness could be a reaction to a particular subject only, and this act might be old for will Smith But he did not have the opportunity to express his feelings in that situation, and when he felt angry, he remembered what had happened in the past and took out his nervousness in the form of a direct attack on Chris, as he represents a large psychological wound that does not heal and is not related to the entire affairs of his life.

The psychological stress management consultant concluded that in all cases, self-control and nervousness control is important for the continuation of life and life in peace also without suffering from neurological diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and immune diseases. Exercising, meditating and praying can help calm her, and consulting specialists may help in cases of mental disorders.

Will Smith and Chris Rock
Jada Smith
Jada Smith

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