“Why does bovine tuberculosis persist in certain French regions and not in others? » – Portrait of doctoral student Ciriac Charles | handles

What is your thesis about?

The subject of my thesis concerns the characterization of strains of Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) at the origin of outbreaks of bovine tuberculosis. This disease, whose main host is bovins, can also be transmitted to humans. She has a strong economic impact, in particular because it restricts the exchange of animals. Since 2001, following a control and eradication campaign set up in France in the 1960s, the country has been Bovine tuberculosis free. However, this status has been threatened in recent years by a small but steady increase in the number of cattle outbreaks. This increase could be partly explained by the presence of the disease in wildlife (badgers, wild boars, etc.). The outbreaks of bovine tuberculosis in France are today very localized, caused by strains with exclusive and region-specific genotypes. The question is therefore whether why these genotypes may have persisted in these regions whereas, on the contrary, other regions where tuberculosis was highly prevalent in the past have been free for many years and the disease seems to have been eradicated there.

To answer this question, we want to obtain new reference genomes of strains representative of the history of French bovine tuberculosis, and in particular of those which affect the regions most affected by the disease in recent years. Obtaining complete genomes could help explain the epidemiological success of certain genotypes, by identifying modifications to certain genes or regions of importance involved in the virulence or persistence of the bacterium.

Our study also aims to define more precisely the groups of M. bovis to understand their evolution In France. We also aim to improve the follow up and the modeling of the transmission of the infection, by genomic epidemiology studies in areas where conventional genotyping methods do not allow us to differentiate the strains that are close.

What did you find most difficult to present your thesis in a poster?

The most difficult is the information selection that we want to present. I would have liked to include more data, but in this kind of exercise, you have to be concise and clear to be impactful and not lose the public.

Do you have any advice for future doctoral students who will engage in this exercise?

My advice to future participants is to try to tell a story “ to present his poster. It must be easy to read and the information must flow logically to accompany the reader.

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