why is it dangerous and how to stop doing it?

Nail biting is a habit that is not strange to most people. In fiction, for example, characters are portrayed biting their nails because of nerves or stress.

Although it seems like a harmless practice, the truth is that it is a mania that can trigger different conditions that alter the good state of health.

According to the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine, this habit is also known as onychophagia, a disease that can be caused by emotional or behavioral causes, and that sometimes requires professional treatment to be corrected.

“It often causes other disorders or compulsive behaviors, such as trichotillomania and trichophagia, consisting of pulling out and eating hair, or mucomania, which consists of eating secretions or mucus,” they point out from the entity.

According to the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine, this habit is also known as onychophagia, a disease that can be caused by emotional or behavioral causes, and that sometimes requires professional treatment to be corrected. Photo: Getty images. – Foto: Foto: Getty images.

What are the health risks of this habit?

As explained Mayo Clinic, there are no serious consequences associated with onychophagia, but it is considered an unhygienic practice that can favor the acquisition of bacteria or viruses, because they constantly bring their hands – which have been exposed to different materials throughout the day – to their mouths.

“As long as the nail bed remains intact, it is not likely that biting the nails will interfere with the growth of the fingernails,” they specify from the institution, ensuring that there is no further damage to the structure of the nail. .

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This does not mean that there are not some risks associated with nail biting, therefore they list several possible consequences, which are a valid reason to leave this habit behind. In accordance with Mayo Clinic, Among the dangers of nail biting are:

  • Deteriorate the skin around the nail and increase the risk of infection.
  • Increase your risk of colds and other infections by spreading germs from your fingers to your mouth.
  • Damage the teeth, generating holes or chipping them.

How to stop this habit?

According to the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine, The ideal way to correct this condition is to go to a doctor’s office and receive the proper diagnosis, since this problem can be caused by various factors that can affect its treatment.

“Sometimes a psychologist will help us overcome anxiety, or other problems, improve self-esteem, and eliminate the feeling of guilt that affection may have. Or also compulsive behaviors. Sometimes adults switch to tobacco or chewing gum and give up that habit, “they explain.

The portal on health and nutrition health 180 gives some recommendations to leave behind this habit. First of all, they advise keeping the nails well groomed, this does not necessarily imply that they should be painted or with an attractive design, they should simply be kept well cut and clean.

Other tip What can help is wearing clothes that cover the nails, such as gloves, including protecting them with bandages.

Today there are various products on the market that can be allies to improve this habit. Thus, health 180, recommends getting a nail polish with a bitter taste and applying it to the nails, since these products are designed to cause discomfort and annoyance in the mouth, due to their unpleasant taste. In this way, the person refrains from biting the nails.

It also agrees with the recommendation of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine that the most appropriate measure is identify the cause that triggers this habita task in which health professionals can help.

Keep in mind that in the face of any health condition, going to the doctor and receiving particular support is important to guarantee physical and emotional well-being.

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