Why masturbate as a woman?

Female masturbation is becoming more and more a more than recommended practice. It not only plays a role in personal development, but also marital. Discover in this article the advantages of indulging in female masturbation.

To eliminate stress and anxiety

During orgasm, the brain produces endorphins which promote well-being and reduce stress and anxiety. To be clear, during masturbation, the body evacuates three hormones: oxytocin, endorphin, known for its soothing action and serotonin, a natural antidepressant. You can have more details by visiting on this site. Indeed, in practice, these different hormones multiply, which leads to muscle relaxation which in turn intensifies the feeling of relaxation. Masturbation is therefore a significant ally, because as a woman, it is an excellent way to relax. In short, it’s self-care, since relaxation is there, especially after enjoyment.

It is good for well-being

In addition to being a means of relaxation, masturbation increases the heart rate, which is absolutely beneficial for your body. Some studies have even proven that the heart rate can increase its rate up to 70% of its capacity, which is similar to a brisk walk. In short, female masturbation can relieve certain pains such as migraines and cramps. Besides, practicing masturbation before bedtime gives you a good sleep. This is, in part, thanks to the endomorphins which act as a natural sleep aid. So what to make the useful to the pleasant.

To extend your life and multiply the pleasure

Experience has proven that masturbating twice a week saves a few more years. It’s simple: as soon as you reach orgasm, the production of the hormone DHEA increases, as it is stimulated by sexual arousal. This hormone therefore intervenes to strengthen your immune system thanks to the multiplication of antibodies. Finally, masturbation can increase your carnal desire. The more you masturbate, the more you will have as many orgasms as you desire. It should be noted that masturbation is not only part of foreplay. It may well constitute a full sexual relationship as such. That’s all, so feel free to explore yourself.

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