Why should you do it! Doing ‘IVF’? – Bizpromptinfo

Many women, realizing that they are infertile, try to find different ways in hopes of creating the perfect family. One of the most popular and moderately popular methods is “IVF“However, this story is believed to have caused quite a few people who had doubts. Want to know why IVF is needed? And if interested, is the process of making it difficult? This is information that must be studied in detail.

What is IVF? Who is suitable for doing??

In vitro fertilization or IVF (In-vitro Fertilization) is the introduction of the female egg. and the male’s sperm are mixed together outside the body This will allow the egg and sperm to be fertilized in a scientific laboratory first. and then injected into the uterus of the woman for further growth The fertilization of the egg and the sperm is done in a glass test tube, hence the name of the child born through this form of fertilization and fertilization. “Tube Child”

Ask who is suitable for IVF? In women, it will focus on people with abnormal fallopian tube problems. Make it impossible to get sperm into it well, women with endometrial hyperplasia. Pelvic fibrosis, women with chronic ovulation problems, tried IUI but without success, less than 10 million semen in males, deformed. low movement or not after semen comes out during sex

Reasons for IVF that infertile women should choose

  1. Chance of success 40 – 50%

IVF will have a success rate Pregnancy can accumulate up to 40 – 50% per treatment cycle ever. Helping to have children faster Do not waste time waiting for a long time, which is more than the rate of semen injection. or trying to do it naturally

  1. Solve problems on both sides. Strong children.

It helps to solve various problems that both men in the matter of semen. and women in terms of ovaries as well which will also help the child to be born strong No genetic abnormalities Does not cause diseases that are inherited from parents to children such as cysts in the kidneys, muscle weakness, thalassemia. including Down syndrome, etc.

  1. Solve the problem of miscarriage

In case some women experience miscarriage very easily, IVF will be beneficial in that it is practiced in an in vitro science lab. It also screens for very healthy sperm and healthy eggs. Therefore, it will help solve the problem of easy miscarriage as well.

  1. It can be kept for planning a pregnancy.

If anyone is born wanting to collect eggs and sperm before to prepare for the upcoming pregnancy In some cases, couples may not be ready to conceive soon, it can be done. by soaking the embryos and keeping them frozen make it last for many decades I want to take the embryo out and use it whenever you want.

Preparation before and after IVF

Preparation for treatment: Before IVF, the doctor will diagnose everything first, such as the functioning of the ovaries. screening for infection Or the man will have to look at the quality of the sperm. In addition, they must rest enough for at least 8 hours, exercise regularly. Eat 5 food groups, drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol.

Preparation after treatment : After IVF has been done must refrain from having sex and refrain from douching, within 3-4 days, women must rest a lot, do not work hard, do not exercise hard, lift heavy objects, or travel long distances. And should strictly follow the advice of the doctor. Including if there are abnormal symptoms such as bleeding, abdominal pain or excessive vaginal discharge. See a physician in charge immediately.

Thorough IVF procedure for understanding

  1. The woman must control the matter of menstruation as usual. Then the doctor will inject eggs to stimulate the woman continuously for about 10-12 days.
  2. After continuous injection, you will see the result of ovulation. and injecting additional hormones before ovulation about 34 – 38 hours
  3. The doctor will anesthetize Then use a needle inserted through the vagina to suck the egg out of the woman along with ultrasound. It takes about 30 minutes after the eggs are collected and injected. or continuous hormone implants This is to prepare for the transfer of the embryo mixed in vitro to the pregnant woman.
  4. Eggs are taken out and fertilized with sperm until embryos are obtained. Then raise and control the quality in the laboratory.
  5. The eggs and sperm used in IVF become embryos. Ready to move into the uterus for 3-5 days, where the woman can drink water. can eat normally And does not require anesthesia. It takes 30 minutes to complete.
  6. Within 12 – 14 days, the woman visits the doctor for further pregnancy test. The doctor will continue to inject progesterone for another 8-10 weeks to prevent miscarriage.

IVF must be admittedly expensive. Each time will be from 1 – 3 hundred thousand baht, depending on the hospital. But when compared to the results that have been obtained, I guarantee that you will not be disappointed at all. If anyone is interested, try to study information in different hospitals to compare the value. most suitable

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