Windows 11 Build 25314 is available, what’s new?

The Windows Insider program’s Canary channel is hosting its very first Preview of Windows 11, build 25314. Available for a few hours, it introduces a few new features.

As a reminder, the Canary channel starts on the 25000 branch of Windows 11 while the Dev channel remains on the 23000 branch. It is also important to remember that the different constructions are “hot and boiling” that is to say from “very little validation” and accompanied by little “documentation”. On this point the firm specifies that a publication on its blog will take place only if new functionalities are in the game.

Windows 11 Build 25314 Highlights

Going back to our build 25314, Microsoft is adding keyboard shortcuts for the various “contextual” items in File Explorer.

An access key is a one-key shortcut that allows you to quickly execute a command in the context menu. Each access key corresponds to a letter in the display name.

Attention this feature is not present if your file explorer displays a Pizza icon. This indicates that this is a new version of File Explorer currently in testing. You can read our news on this subject: Windows 11 Build 25309 is available for download, what do you need to know?

File recommendations arrive in the File Explorer homepage. They are supposed to bring the contents of the most relevant files.

This feature is available to users logged into Windows with an Azure Active Directory (AAD) account. Featured files are cloud files associated with this account, owned by the user, or shared with the user.

Windows 11 Build 25314 – Protection LSA

We also have LSA (Local Security Authority) protection. Its purpose is to provide protection against theft of credentials used for logon. It acts to make it impossible to execute unauthorized code in the LSA process. It also prevents process memory dumping. The giant specifies that an audit takes place beforehand to ensure that no incompatibility is present. If so, LSA protection is activated automatically.

Narrator picks up updates to its Outlook support when it starts. There is no additional functionality but this work allows updates through the Microsoft Store.

Finally, the Remote Mailslot protocol is no longer activated by default in order to reinforce the security of the OS.

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