“Windows 11: How to Force Close Programs Easily from the Taskbar”

2023-04-18 04:14:49

In the process of using Windows 11, occasionally the program crashes and the screen is highlighted and cannot be used. Pressing the X in the upper right corner or Alt+F4 to close does not respond. At this time, it is necessary to use the forced shutdown function to end this unresponsiveness. programs, and most people should use Control + Alt + Delete keys to open the work administrator to force close. Although I am used to this operation after so long, compared to Mac, Windows currently has no matter which method is used. You need to open a certain menu or program in order to perform the force closing program function, which is not as convenient as Mac.

The good news is that Microsoft seems to be finally willing to put the forced shutdown function into the right-click menu of the toolbar program icon, which means that in the future, it is likely to be the same as the Mac, and you can force close the crashed application directly in the toolbar.

Windows 11 users will be able to force close programs from the taskbar in the future

According to reports from foreign media Tom’s Hardware, in the latest Windows 11 latest developer channel version Build 23430, you can find the “Force Close” function in the right-click menu of the toolbar application icon, but it is still hidden at this stage, that is, it needs to be manually enabled will be displayed. For users who are currently installing Windows 11 Build 23430, now go to Settings -> Privacy and Security -> Developer menu, and you will see the option “End Task”. Off” option:
Windows 11 users will be able to force close programs from the taskbar in the future - Computer King Ada

like this:
Windows 11 users will be able to force close programs from the taskbar in the future - Computer King Ada

But in particular, this End task seems to be just occupying the place at the moment. Tom’s Hardware did not take any action after trying it, that is, it was not forced to close, and nothing happened.

In addition, in the latest version of Windows 11 Canary Build 25336 in the Canary (unstable) channel, although the End task option cannot be found in the settings, it is actually just moved to another location. When using the ViveTool GUI application, after enabling the Activate Feature option above, You can find the End task option in the list, and the right-click menu will appear after opening.

Windows 11 users will be able to force close programs from the taskbar in the future - Computer King Ada

It can be seen that Microsoft is still adjusting the new function of End task. It is not clear where it will be officially launched in the future, or whether it will be enabled by default.

As early as the beginning of February this year, a PhantomOcean3 user discovered this feature in the Canary version. It is speculated that the developer does not intend to let users know about this feature. Currently, it is not enabled in any version by default. Just like Tom’s Hardware’s method, PhantomOcean3 also found this function through ViveTool at that time. ViveTool can often find Microsoft’s unpublished functions and applications.

But I still want to remind you that even if End task appears in multiple versions, it does not mean that Microsoft will really add this feature to Windows 11 in the future. I am quite looking forward to it. On the one hand, it will make the forced shutdown operation easier. On the other hand, it can also avoid user operation errors and forcibly close other important background applications.

source:TechspotTom’s Hardware

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