With articles on the port and the Captagon… this is how the Mossad recruited the Sidawi journalist Muhammad Shuaib!

There were conflicting information about how the Israeli network, which deals with the Mossad, was revealed by the Information Division, about a month and a half ago, and was leaked through a pro-Hezbollah officer in a security apparatus, according to Janoubia, with the aim of electoral use. Especially in areas affiliated with the “forces”.

What is remarkable, according to Janoubia, according to the same information, is that the clients do not know each other, and most of them have been misled by the illusion that there are job offers abroad, especially in Africa and Europe. And that not everyone was the identity of the Israeli operator, and some of them, after knowing their identity, continued working with him, and others refused to complete the road, but it was too late.

The information indicates that efforts are continuing to detect more of these networks, leading to their complete arrest.

How did the Mossad recruit journalist Muhammad Shuaib?

A few days ago, news spread about the involvement of a Mossad journalist, notary and advisor to a former minister, and security services leaked to Al-Manar TV today that the journalist accused of collaborating with the Zionist enemy, Muhammad Shuaib, was born in Sidon in 1985 and was arrested late last month.

  • He worked in more than one media outlet and website, including Al-Jaras TV, Lebanon 24 news website, and Garoudi Media TV.
  • He saw on a web page an advertisement for a vacancy for a foreign company… He contacted them and they offered him a job with a monthly salary in exchange for writing a number of articles per month.
  • This work trip did not last long before a person called Tom, who is the Israeli operator, contacted him from a British number.

Tom asked him:

  • Preparing reports on political issues that are the subject of internal dispute and division, and writing these issues in the interest of the Gulf states, in a language hostile to Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas, and in terms indicating that Lebanon is occupied by Iran. All Lebanon VDL NEWS, and was charged for each article between 50 and 75 dollars.

for example :

  • During the formation of the government, he was asked to raise the issue of dispute between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and that the latter is benefiting from the delay in forming in order to achieve its gains in the Saudi-Iranian negotiations.
  • Later, he was asked to prepare a report showing what he called the influence of Iran’s interests on Lebanon and the use of the Shiite duo’s boycott of government sessions as a card in the US-Iranian negotiations, thus showing the duo as a tool in Iran’s hands.
  • Shedding light on the Ministry of Health during Hamad Hassan’s tenure of this ministry and demonstrating the extent of its association with Hezbollah and its benefit from vaccines and its security for its environment and its supporters.
  • Illuminating the good loan and the damage caused by leaking the names of customers and the possibility of knowing where the gold is stored.

TOM not only gave Shoaib the titles and political themes of his articles, but also gave him the names of suitable characters to meet in each article.

Read also: Special “Southern”: the dollar is preparing to “fly” to “beyond Vienna”!

They are political and journalistic figures belonging to what was called the forces of the fourteenth of March, and all of them were mentioned in the record of his confessions. As for the titles of these articles:

  • Accusing Hezbollah of the Beirut port explosion by asserting that what exploded was a Hezbollah weapons store that was targeted by an Israeli missile.
  • Hezbollah accused of killing Luqman Salim.
  • Accusing Hezbollah of smuggling to Syria through the illegal crossings.
  • The negative impact of US sanctions on Hezbollah’s allies.
  • Hezbollah accused of smuggling Captagon to the Gulf.
  • Illegal weapons, especially in the Palestinian camps.
  • The bad relationship between Syria and Hamas.

And from Shoaib preparing the articles himself to the ready-made articles, where Tom sent him 3 articles written in Arabic with the name “Y. Dr.” About the Syrian refugees, the Palestinian camps, and the Hamas movement, he was asked to publish it on the VDL NEWS and Lebanon 24 websites.

Later, he was asked to create a “Lebanon Project” page on “Facebook” to publish everything pro-Saudi and the Gulf states, and he was paid for this page a cut of $200 per month.

Ali Shuaib “disavows” him

On his Twitter page, “Al-Manar” correspondent in the south, Ali Shuaib, tweeted: “The traitorous Israeli journalist, Muhammad Shuaib, was born and lived in Sidon, and has nothing to do with our family!! Oh God, we absolve him of what he committed.

Mohammad Shoaib

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