with out water in alternate for the Mayan Prepare and inaugurated an aqueduct with out working

Campeche.- Residents of calakmul they denounced the double deception of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, since nor stored his promise to carry ingesting water in alternate for permitting the Mayan Prepare to cross, and inaugurated an unfinished aqueduct that doesn’t workin order that they proceed to endure from the scarcity of ingesting water that they’ve suffered for many years.

The residents of Calakmul denounced that they had been deceived twice by AMLO and Layda Sansores, governor of Campeche, in line with statements which might be a part of a report by Latin.

AMLO’s double deception in Calakmul: with out ingesting water and an aqueduct that doesn’t work

In 2021 they had been instructed that the Mayan Prepare would carry a greater high quality of life and they’d not endure a scarcity of ingesting water, and as a part of the works, the federal and Campeche governments.

  1. They promised to construct an aqueduct that may carry 230 liters of water per second to 25 rural communities for the subsequent 30 years, however till It does not occur as we speak.
  2. The second deception was once they stated that the aqueduct was already completed and Layda Sansores along with AMLO inaugurated it on January 26, 2024.
Aqueduct inaugurated with out ending by AMLO

And the beginning was within the fashion of the inauguration El Cuchillo II Aqueducton September 13, 2023, whose inaugural operation was a simulationin line with an investigation that exposed Reworkingthe one in Campeche opened like this and till now it doesn’t work

To know higher: AMLO inaugurates unfinished or simulated works, a Yucatecan on the listing

He aqueduct inaugurated unfinished by López Obrador and Layda Sansores, governor of Campeche, is positioned within the part 7 of the Mayan Prepareis a piece that seeks to extract ingesting water from 5 wells within the Yucatan Peninsula aquifer clave 3105–on the peak of the municipality of Escárcega– and channel 230 liters per second to a distribution plant within the Calakmul jungle by way of a 20-inch pipeline, with the assistance of pumping stations.

To realize this, the federal authorities started the rehabilitation and modernization of the Adolfo López Mateos-Xpujil Aqueductand it was a dedication derived from the development of the Mayan Prepare.

How a lot cash did they allocate to the Adolfo López Mateos-Xpujil Aqueduct?

The work started building in 2022 with an estimated useful resource of 1,702 million pesosrun by the AMLO authorities’s favourite building firm: The Secretariat of Nationwide Protection (Sedena).

The undertaking contemplates 97 kilometers of pipeline to carry water from Escárcega to Xpujil and advantages 35 thousand inhabitants of Calakmul.

Military abandons the million-dollar undertaking

Between Xpujil and Centenario, in a number of sections the pipe shouldn’t be linked or is uncovered; he Military left the pipeline set up incomplete and deserted tens of ducts strengthened which might be a part of the work, reveals Latin after a tour of the work.

YouTube video

Not a single drop of water has come out of the aqueduct. and the residents of Calakmul are immersed in an unprecedented scarcity disaster, they’re nonetheless ready for the promised water.

#water #alternate #Mayan #Prepare #inaugurated #aqueduct #working
2024-05-17 15:26:38

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