Without medicines..a home drink to expel phlegm and cough and treat colds and flu for young and old in one hour

Without medicines..a home drink to expel phlegm and cough and treat colds and flu for young and old in one hour

Without medicines..a home drink to expel phlegm and cough and treat colds in light of the current weather conditions. We suffer from severe colds, whether we or our children. Therefore, we offer you the strongest drink to expel phlegm and cough in record time. There are many cough medicines that have a bad taste and therefore natural drinks Warm may be lighter and more acceptable than bitter cough medicine, and the natural drink has multiple health benefits and its usefulness is not limited to the purpose for which it was prepared, so read our article carefully to know the most powerful healthy drinks to treat influenza and cold.

The most powerful drink to expel phlegm and colds

1. Ginger

  • Ginger dissolves phlegm and expels it permanently from the throat, as it contains in its composition substances that act as powerful antivirals, killing microbes and toxins.
  • Put a tablespoon of ginger in a large cup of boiling water and sweeten it with white honey and eat it more than once during the day.

2. Guava leaves

  • As for guava leaves, it is one of the best drinks or natural herbs that has a high ability to expel phlegm from the throat.
  • Add some guava leaves to a cup of plenty of water.
  • Stir them well until the leaves are completely soaked in the water, and you can sweeten it to taste.
  • This drink is considered one of the best natural drinks during pregnancy and lactation, as it is very beneficial for the health of the mother and her fetus.

3. Garlic and Onion

  • Onions have a great ability to get rid of phlegm and expel it permanently from the throat and treat all symptoms of colds, such as high temperature, body breakage, and others.
  • Grate one onion, put it in a cup of water, and leave it for several hours to soak in the water.
  • Then take more than one tablespoon per day.
  • Garlic works just as well as onions in this regard, and you can prepare and eat it in exactly the same way.

4. Chicken soup

  • Chicken soup is the favorite soup for all of us, as it is not a medicine as much as it is a favorite drink, and we eat it a lot, especially in the winter season, to keep warm against the freezing cold.
  • Chicken soup works to expel phlegm and soothe the mouth and throat, so when you feel the symptoms of a cold.
  • Drink the drink four or five times daily.

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