Women’s Day 2023: where and when are the marches and events for 8M

This Wednesday, March 8, 2023, marks the anniversary of the International Day of Working Women, popularly known as 8m. Within this framework, various organizations have planned a series of marches, acts and artistic interventions throughout the national territory in order to make visible the pending demands in pursuit of narrowing the gender gap and reducing violence.

Although there are dozens of groups with diverse claims, on this year’s agenda the majority coincide with the claims related to the wage and digital gap, femicides and the different forms of violence against women and the unequal distribution of care tasks, among others.

Coinciding with 8M, the photographic exhibition of Máximo Parpagnoli entitled “Titánides” arrives

Agenda of the 8M in the AMBA

One of the most popular groups is Not one less, founded from the first march in 2015 before being fed up with the level of femicides. For this 2023, the organization will focus on the salary difference and calls a feminist strike in order to “stop the exploitation of our bodies and territories.”

“How do we deal with the violence that accumulate with the debt, the precariousness and the lack of living wages? What happens when the care tasks They prevent us from working because we don’t have someone to take care of our children?”, the statement said.

Previous Ni Una Less March in Congress 20220603

Women, protagonists of the 21st century

The axis of the call will be the Buenos aires city (CABA), where a mobilization is expected from 16 from the intersection between the iconic 9 de Julio and Avenida de Mayo avenues towards the National Congress, under the slogan: “With this Justice there are no rights or democracy. The debt is with the workers. Feminist strike 8M 2023”.

The Argentine capital will also be the epicenter of the mobilization of the National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion, that he will claim for various reasons, including the rejection of the adjustment of the national government and the agreement with the International Monetary Fund; patriarchal violence; the correct implementation of the laws of Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy (IVE) and Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI); and the separation between Church and State.

“In the streets our claims! Join your handkerchief!”, indicate the organizers of the group that foresees a mobilization a las 16.30 which will depart from 9 de Julio avenue towards May Plaza.

Women's Day 2023
The government of the City of Buenos Aires will offer 30 free activities on 8M throughout March.

30 activities in the City of Buenos Aires

From the artistic level, CABA will offer more than 30 activities mostly free throughout the month that include shows, workshops, tributes, awareness campaigns, tours and exhibitions.

On the agenda for Wednesday, March 8, the Recoleta Cultural Center and its launch of activities for 8M that include the participation of Rita Segato Soema Montenegro, Bianca Lerner, Gabriela Parodi, among others; the show “La mujer puerca” at the 25 de Mayo Cultural Center; tofree activities at the Modern Museum; Cycle of Ephemeris Concerts in the Notable Bar El Colonial and the day live woman in the Adán Buenosayres Cultural Space.

The details of the agenda and the registration requirements for the 8M activities throughout March are available on the website of the government of the City of Buenos Aires.

Women's Day 2023

On the other hand, this year will be the fourth edition of the cycle “We Move the Worldwith focus on 40 years of uninterrupted democracy in Argentina. It will offer artistic exhibitions, workshops, concerts and other activities that will take place until March 10 at the Centro Cultural Kirchner and in technopolisto then go to other parts of the country until March 12.

Marches in other parts of the country

In Córdoba, the second largest city in the country, Ni Una Menos will also stomp with a feminist strike that includes the LGTBQ+ community. They added their rejection to “adjustment, extractivism and repression to pay the foreign debt.” The march will start at 5:00 p.m. from Colón and Cañada. In San Miguel de Tucumanthe organization calls for a march from Irigoyen square, at 18:30 pm.

Not one less-20210119

With a similar premise, different organizations of Between rivers this 8M. In this case, they will leave from the Primero de Mayo square in the city of Paraná at 5:30 p.m. heading to Mansilla square. For their part, the Assembly of Women, Lesbians, Travestis, Trans and Non-Binaries and the Multisectoral Entre Ríos Women called on residents to march under the slogan “If our lives are worthless, produce without us.”

In Santa Fethe Ministry of Equality, Gender and Diversity of the province organizes the “Juntas de Pie” festival in the Mercado de Frutos Culturales, which includes artistic interventions, musical events, a fair for entrepreneurs and awareness talks for children.

A path for the construction of equality

In the south of the country, the collective Ni Una Menos de Black river brings together communicators, artists, researchers and activists who called for mobilization in the center of Viedma. To this was added the House of the South Line of the Ministry of Government and Provincial Community, which has scheduled various cultural activities in the capital. From 4:30 p.m. there will be music shows, recognition of representative women of the community and gastronomic tastings.

Not one less

In chubutthe Human Rights Secretariat launched the traveling exhibition “We were there, women in collective action” that will tour the province throughout the month in order to make visible the work for women’s equality inside and outside the home, in the countryside, cities and other spaces.

Digital divide: UN Women’s request

UN Women, the agency dependent on the United Nations Organization (UN), joined the call for gender equality with a focus on the digital divide. In this sense, he promoted the campaign “For a inclusive digital world: Innovation and technology for gender equality”.

Meanwhile, UN Women explained that the gender gap in digital access “prevents women from fully enjoying the potential of technology.” In addition, she added that “the omnipresent threat of gender violence online, combined with the lack of legal protection, all too often forces them to leave the digital spaces they occupy.

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