Women’s Euro – 8-0: England crush Norway and offer themselves a one-sided duel at the top!

There will have been no match… or almost. Whereas, on paper, they had to stand up to england in a duel at the top, the Norwegian collapsed completely to concede a cataclysmic and historic defeat (8-0). History since, men and women combined, no team had ever scored 7 or more goals in a match at the Euro.

A result that few would have dared to predict after 10 minutes, as the two teams were entangled in a tense and balanced match. Unfortunately for Norway, the unfortunate Thorisdottirwho will have lived a real nightmare evening, will then pass by there to offer a light penalty to the English and precipitate the fall of his team.

Pandora’s box opened, the Norwegians then drank the chalice to the dregs, suffering one by one the onslaught of unleashed English players. Unable to resist, the Norwegians conceded 5 goals… in 26 minutes to return to the locker room, crestfallen, trailing 6-0.

And if we could have hoped for a slight burst of pride after the break, it will ultimately be nothing, the English continuing their collective recital to win, without batting an eyelid, 8-0, and offer themselves a success that marks the spirits.

25 shots at 3, 14 shots on target at 0, no there will definitely not have been a match this Monday evening.

In the standings, England takes off with 6 points and qualifies (already) for the next round. While they took a serious hit on the coffee maker, the Norwegians capped at 3 points and saw Austria (3) return to their height. Northern Ireland (0) brings up the rear.

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