“Wonder Woman” actress Gal Gadot welcomes her fourth child

Gal Gadot, the Israeli actress known for her leading role in “Wonder Woman,” is experiencing one of the happiest moments of her life as she welcomes her fourth daughter this Wednesday, March 6.

Through Instagram, the 38-year-old celebrity shared the scoop with a photograph in which she is seen holding her little girl in her arms. Gadot also revealed that the new member of the family will be named Ori and acknowledged that her pregnancy was complicated.

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“My sweet girl, welcome. The pregnancy was not easy, but we got through it. You have brought so much light into our lives, living up to your name, Ori, which means ‘my light’ in Hebrew. Our hearts overflow with gratitude. Welcome to the girls’ house… daddy is also very excited,” the publication reads.

Gal Gadot loads Ori. Photo: Official Instagram.

Gadot managed to keep her pregnancy a secret, which resulted in a surprise for all her followers, who expressed their excitement.

Having been in a relationship with producer Yaron Varsano for more than 10 years, Gadot and Varsano welcomed Alma in 2011, Maya in 2017, and Daniella in 2021.

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