Work began to mitigate effects on the Guatiquía river in Villavicencio – El Diario del Llano

2023-05-01 12:32:40

A Prosecutor attached to the Center for Comprehensive Care for Victims of Sexual Abuse Caivas of the Meta Section, managed to get a judge to send English teacher Julián Felipe Lozada Rincón to prison, for being the alleged perpetrator of various sexual crimes.

The events investigated by the accusing entity would have occurred during the year 2022 in a school in the city of Villavicencio, where, apparently, the prisoner would have taken advantage of his position of superiority over his students, and would have subjected 5 students between the ages of 7 and 12 years of age, to acts of sexual connotation.

The parents filed the complaints of the case before the Prosecutor’s Office, for which they proceeded immediately, but the teacher, upon finding out, evaded in the first instance the action of the accusing entity, moving to Medellín where he was also working in a school of that city.

A group from the CTI Caivas de Villavicencio traveled to the capital of Antioquia, and with the support of the National Police, they captured Lozada Rincón, who was charged as allegedly responsible for the crime of abusive sexual acts with children under fourteen years of age.

The judge with functions of control of guarantees, endorsed all the claims of the accusing entity, legalized his capture and sent him to jail. The defendant did not accept the charges.

Source: Attorney General’s Office

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