Working time debate: SPÖ sees “attacks on employees”

SPÖ federal manager Klaus Seltenheim confirmed this on Monday. “If the ÖVP and IV have their way, people should hack until they drop,” he complained. Seltenheim identified “attacks on employees” and, in line with the party line, advocated for a reduction in working hours and a four-day week. Seltenheim expressed sharp criticism of the People’s Party, which preferred the Industrial Association (IV) on sensitive issues such as the working time debate. To this end, the industry regularly orders “things and laws” from the ÖVP, which then implements them to the best of its ability. “The demands of the ÖVP and IV are similar, coordinated with one another and all come from the same stable,” said Seltenheim. The Social Democrat also warned of a new edition of a “blue-black horror coalition” that could only be prevented by the SPÖ.

Also read: “Those who work part-time should pay more into the social system”

The discussion about an extension of working hours without wage compensation, i.e. higher income, was started a few weeks ago by the industrial association. ÖVP chairman and Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer then declared that implementing the proposal was out of the question for him. Constitutional Minister Karoline Edtstadler (ÖVP) also made it clear that she had nothing to gain from the industry initiative. She previously spoke about the fact that more work needs to be done in Austria rather than less.

Last week, the IV again caused discussions with its proposals that employees should work half an hour more per day and part-time employees should make higher contributions to the social system. “For those working 40 hours a week, IV boss Knill’s announcement would not only mean an extension to a 42.5-hour week, but also a wage cut of almost 10 percent,” criticized Seltenheim. The Social Democrat emphasized that women in particular work part-time because there are not enough childcare places. “That’s why it’s high time to expand childcare and implement a legal right to a free childcare place.”


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