World Autism Awareness Day: President Boric surprisingly joined the march on the front of La Moneda

Surprise and emotion caused among the participants in the march for autism the presence of the President Gabriel Boricat a time when the attendees reached the Plaza de la Ciudadanía, on the front of La Moneda.

The incident occurred during the afternoon of this Saturday and was part of the commemoration of the World Autism Awareness Dayinstance in which the president decided to pause his activities to join the demonstration.

With chants, banners and slogans, people They called for the prompt enactment of the Autism Lawregulation that has “rested” for about four years in the Chamber of Deputies, and that aims to guarantee medical and timely care for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (TEA)granting medicines to diagnosed people, in addition to therapies, assistance and free and equal access to the health insurance system.

In this context, the Head of State shared with the attendees, photographing himself with the families and at the same time, with a megaphone in hand, gave a brief speech in which He called on the parliamentarians to speed up the procedures to advance with the legislative process.

“I was just working in La Moneda, because tomorrow we leave for Argentina, and suddenly, in the distance, you start to hear: ‘Boric listens, join the fight.’ How can I not join? This fight that you have been fighting for so long is often ignored, many times you have been ignored and ignored by the State, made invisible. I want to tell you that you are not alone and you are not alone, that As a government we have a commitment by the TEA that we are going to work together with the organizations to be able to seek the best legislation that protects them, accompanies them and does not leave them alone, to boys, girls and adults throughout their lives”, he said.

He concluded by noting that “know that During our government we are going to pass, together with parliamentarians and social organizations, legislation to protect all people with ASD and caregivers”. After the above, he was applauded by the crowd.

According to the organizers of the demonstration, It would be the first time that a President participates in this instance. In turn, the presence of the president He refuted the rumors circulating on social networks that he had flown by helicopter to the Elqui Valley.

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