Xbox Game Pass has offered us more than €7,000 in content during 2022

Simply brutal, Xbox Game Pass has offered us thousands of euros once more in the last year in content for Xbox. During the last 12 months, the service has offered us a huge number of games, but what we didn’t know is that if you add them all together, we have received more than 7,000 euros in content.

This adds up to everything, we are not only talking regarding games, we are talking regarding content in general, but it really doesn’t matter, for the price we pay monthly it more than makes up for the content that they have offered us. The data has been shared by the site, XPGwhere they have carried out the work of counting the contents offered in Xbox Game Pass during these 12 months and its equivalent value in euros.

The value of Xbox Game Pass in 2022

In the lower message you can see a summary, but in the upper link you can see a broken down table with everything that Xbox Game Pass has received during 2022 separated by months.

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