Yadong Hospital will resume night clinics from next week to provide 3 ways to seek medical treatment – Xinglin News – Free Health Network

Yadong Hospital will resume physical night outpatient clinics from next Monday (13th), while maintaining video and telephone consultation services, providing 3 types of medical treatment. (Provided by Yadong Hospital)

[Reporter Lai Xiaotong/New Taipei]The epidemic of Wuhan pneumonia (new coronavirus disease, COVID-19) has entered a plateau. In order to meet the medical needs of the people, Yadong Hospital in New Taipei City announced today that it will resume physical nights from next Monday (13th). Outpatient services, while maintaining video and telephone consultation services, 3 types of medical treatment for the public to choose freely.

In response to the increase in the number of local confirmed cases, Yadong Hospital recently announced that in order to preserve the medical capacity for moderate and severe patients and high-risk groups, night outpatient services will be fully suspended from May 9, and the entire hospital will be put into epidemic prevention work.

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Yadong Hospital pointed out today that the epidemic has entered a plateau period and is heading for a trend of coexistence with the virus. In order to ensure the medical needs of the public, it will resume physical night outpatient clinics from next Monday (13th), while maintaining video and telephone consultation services, providing 3 types of medical treatment channels , the public can choose the appropriate treatment method by themselves.

Yadong Hospital said that in response to the rapid response to the epidemic, the hospital has opened 26 departments and a total of 111 consultation services (including appointments, physical and online consultation rooms) to expand medical capacity; in addition, it continues to provide screening, Oral antiviral drugs, care centers, emergency medical needs, and vaccination services work together to combat the spread of the epidemic.

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