You can now get the Humble Bundle of metroidvanias with Hollow Knight and Blasphemous for less than 14 euros

2023-06-01 14:30:40

Few genres offer us more hours of fun than the metroidvanias, since we can go through the scenarios from top to bottom and continue discovering secrets. Now, Humble Bundle presents a fabulous pack that brings together some of the best works of recent years.

For only 13,96 euros we can take a compilation that combines seven titles along with discount coupons for two other games. The Must-Play Metroidvanias will be available until June 21, so you still have time to think if you want to invest the money. This is all the content:

If we take a look, we see that there are true masterpieces of the metroidvania category such as Hollow Knight, Blasphemous o Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. If we bought all the games separately, we would have to invest 164 euros, so the savings are more than juicy.

Remember that all the games are redeemable on Steam, Valve’s digital store, and that you do not have to pay the marked amount. The money you invest, always higher than the one set, will go to the developers themselves or to a charity, in this case Girls Who Code. Its primary goal is to encourage more young women to complete a college-level computer science education.

In ExtraLife | The rarest and most original metroidvania that contribute their grain of sand to the fashionable formula in the 21st century

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#Humble #Bundle #metroidvanias #Hollow #Knight #Blasphemous #euros

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