“You cannot live with 33,000 pesos,” said Minister Tolosa Paz in Roca

The Minister of Social Development of the Nation, Victoria Tolosa Paz, passed through Roca this morning and said that in this city they are working so that the beneficiaries of the Potenciar Trabajo plans, especially young people, find a place in the line of microcredits, the tool bench. She synthesized this as part of generating the “capacities to get out of Empowering (Work)”, while “nobody lives with 33,000 pesos. We need that income to improve. To improve it, they have a mayor, a minister and a team from President Alberto Fernández accompanying them”, he declared.

Since the beginning of the year, at Roca y Throughout the country there were several mobilizations regarding the issue of social plans under complaints of “adjustment” and cuts that have been denounced by organizations and social movements in the streets.

RIO NEGRO consulted about what is happening and what is the future for the people who live with this social wage and that today they are protesting.

“What we are saying to each and every one of the holders of the Promote work is that Roca has made an enormous effort to validate, all the social movements validated the identity, which is a very important requirement, it is not a requirement that we put out of the overnight, we put it into function, unfortunately for a minority group but for the living who mediated on the program ”, launched Tolosa Paz.

Exclusively with this medium, he said that (some) used the identity of people and charged for them. “Today as Minister of the Nation I have certainties. 92% of Potenciar know who they are, where they are developing their activity and how old they are, what is its educational terminus to direct the effort.

“The vast majority understood that to stay in the program the least the state needs is to have certainty and that was fulfilled by the vast majority, even the residents of Roca”

Victoria Tolosa Paz, Minister of Social Development of the Nation

Regarding the remaining 8% who “did not validate their identity, we continue to invite them,” he said.. He maintained that there are people who, because they did not have a telephone or did not know how, did not do so, but that the doors of the Social Development offices are open.

“They have until March 18. If they have not arrived in four months, it means that camping and mobilization will not be the answer. What they have to do is bring the people and validate and if they don’t bring them, they don’t bring them for a reason”, he launched and said that he speaks on time about the “Piquetero Unit, which makes a political use of this”.

On the other hand, she was emphatic in focusing on traffic cuts. “They are trying to bend the will of a minister who is to bring order to social policy. So that? To take care of the resources to reach everyone. There are many families that need this: tools, productive policies and support. For that I have to be very responsible in the use of public money, ”he assured when asked by this medium.

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