Young woman drowns in pool while broadcasting on Facebook

tragic accidents have been captured during live broadcastsone of these cases occurred recently during a broadcast of Facebook Live and in this video you can see the death of a young woman.

Helen Wendy Nyabutoa young woman originally from Kenya, captured her own death while making a broadcast for Facebook inside a swimming pool.

Video: bleeding and crushed after crash, man does Facebook Live!

Photo: Screenshot

The events occurred in a province of Canada and the news of his death shocked many users of social networks.

In the video you can see Helen enjoying the pool in the video streaming. However, the woman did not expect that this place had a deeper part.

In an oversight Hellen stepped on that deep part and ended up submerging to the bottom of the place, her cell phone kept recording the shocking images.

In the video the young woman appears kicking and trying to stay afloatunfortunately she does not succeed and dies by drowning after a few minutes.

In accordance with statements to CNNHelen’s father commented that she was on vacation in Canada when the accident occurred.

I saw the video. I cried. It’s terrible,” said the father.

Hellen was a young influencer who even contributed money to her house, her family comments that on many occasions she gave money for the education of her brothers.

Now the family plans a fundraising campaign to be able to take Helen’s remains to Kenya.


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