Yumin “I once dated a Korean celebrity… Han River + drive-in theater date” (Sayuri T…

2023-10-28 22:10:27

[스포츠조선닷컴 김준석 기자] Actress Yoo Min mentioned her past Korean celebrity boyfriend.

On the 28th, the YouTube channel ‘Sayuri TV’ featured ‘Tanaka! Sayuri! Move! I am the original Japanese! long time no see! A video titled ‘Interview with Actress Yoo Min’ was posted.

In the video, Sayuri’s best friend Yumin, who was an actor in Korea from November 2001 to 2008, appeared.

Yumin said, “I liked Korean culture and movie music, so I studied Korean on my own. I was 21 years old and had no work, so I only auditioned. I came to Korea for language training and had an interview with the largest agency in Korea. At that time, I recorded my profile on a videotape. I took a picture and sent it to her. But there was no response. One day, the agency said, ‘Just come.’ So I went. Since I was young, I didn’t think anything of it, and thought I would just come after three months of language training, so I just went. But the agency seemed to have done it as a courtesy, and said, ‘How can a young child do it alone? He said, ‘Are you here? That’s amazing.’ At that time, I could barely speak Korean and just said hello,” he said, explaining why he came to Korea.

Yumin said, “One day, my agency asked me to set up a meeting with the director who was preparing for the next drama, and he thought it was amazing that I came from Japan alone and allowed me to play a deaf person. At that time, it was difficult for Japanese people to appear on TV. “I think the PD at that time appreciated that sentiment,” he said, referring to his debut.

Yumin said to Sayuri, “What did you eat to survive in Korea? I had a really hard time finding food,” and Sayuri said, “I wanted to become a Japanese teacher because ‘Misuda’ disappeared. Then I suddenly got a boyfriend. I thought I would be happy if I got married while teaching Japanese. “I tried, but my boyfriend ran away. At that time, I appeared on an eating program, and that’s what I’ve been doing ever since.”

Yumin confessed his difficult life in Korea, saying, “I only ate ramen for a year. I went to restaurants alone and there was no culture like that. I wanted to order something delivered, but I don’t speak Korean.”

Yumin mentioned being scammed, saying, “The system is so good now. The agency’s system wasn’t working well. I got scammed a lot. One day, they said all my money was gone. Other than that, it’s a really good memory.” .

Regarding the most interesting episode, Yumin said, “I’m an actor, but I’ve been on a lot of shows such as It made me laugh.

Sayuri asked Yoo Min, “How much was the appearance fee?” and Yoo Min said, “I received 400,000 yen (about 4 million won). But it was a little different as soon as the program started,” and chose Yoo Jae-seok and Kang Ho-dong as MCs for whom she was grateful.

Yoo Min revealed that she is still in contact with Korean celebrities Jeon Hye-bin, Han Ji-min, and Park Jeong-ah whom she met through entertainment shows.

When asked if she had a Korean boyfriend, Yumin said, “I also met a Korean celebrity.” When asked, “How did you go on dates with celebrities?”, she said, “I met other celebrities or enjoyed dates at drive-in movie theaters.”

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