[경제]Diesel price 48.6 won ↓… around 1,700 won in 9 months

As the price of diesel at domestic gas stations continued to decline, it fell to the KRW 1,700 level for the first time in nine months.

According to data from Korea National Oil Corporation, the average selling price of diesel at gas stations nationwide in the second week of December was 1,797.2 won per liter, down 48.6 won from a week ago.

This is the fourth consecutive week of decline on a weekly basis, and it is the first time since March that the daily diesel selling price has fallen to the 1,700 won range.

Gasoline prices fell for the 14th week, recording KRW 1,568.9.

As international oil prices stabilize, domestic petroleum product prices are expected to show a downward trend next week as well.

YTN Cho Tae-hyun (choth@ytn.co.kr)

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