[문화]Lee Seong-soo “SM CEO resigns and Baek Ui-jong… will block the takeover”

SM CEO Lee Seong-soo, who raised suspicions of offshore tax evasion by former general producer Lee Soo-man, expressed his intention to give up his second term as CEO at the shareholders’ meeting in March.

In the second video released on his YouTube channel, CEO Lee announced that he would resign from his position as CEO and registered director at the end of March and serve as a white soldier, and if all SM members allow it, he will play in the music part, which is his main job.

He told former executive producer Lee Soo-man to stop being obsessive and greedy even now, and to kneel down and ask for forgiveness from everyone along with him.

Representative Lee insisted that Hive support SM’s independent management and admit the hostile M&A, saying that recommending seven directors only feels like an intention to make SM a subsidiary of Hive.

Representative Lee said to the SM singers that he personally thanked them for sending messages of encouragement and support, and asked them not to get caught up in confusion and only think about their values ​​as artists and their fans.

YTN Cha Jung-yoon (jycha@ytn.co.kr)

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