[사회]Looking at the body cam video of the fire brigade… it is difficult to enter the ambulance 3 hours before the disaster

Report “fainting woman at Itaewon Station”… Departure around 7:25
Arrive at the site at 8:11… It takes about 40 minutes to move 2.2km
Crowds packed 3 hours before the disaster… No on-site action


YTN has secured 119 ambulance black box video and paramedics body cam video from before and after the Itaewon disaster.

If you look at the video, an ambulance was dispatched three hours before the disaster, but it was already quite difficult to enter from this point on, and as predicted at this time, even when the second stage of response was issued after the disaster, the paramedics were unable to classify the severity.

This is reporter Yoon Seong-hoon’s report.


It was around 7:25 p.m., about three hours before the Itaewon disaster.

An ambulance departs from the nearby Seobinggo 119 Safety Center.

This is because a report was received that a woman passed out while exiting Itaewon Station.

It was around 8:11 pm when we arrived at the scene.

It took about 40 minutes to cover the 2.2km distance.

Normally, it would take less than 10 minutes.

In fact, in the video at the time, even though some police officers were in control, people were so crowded that they left the sidewalk and passed the road.

This video once again revealed that a large number of people had already flocked to Itaewon three hours before 10:15, when the major disaster was believed to have occurred, but no action was taken.

Difficulties in coping after the disaster were foreseen from this point on.

Around 11:00 p.m., the Yongsan Fire Station on-site command team leader radioed, “It seems that the situation will end in a while.”

However, looking at the body cam video of the firefighters taken from around 11:06 p.m., it was a situation where people were still piled up one after another in the narrow alley.

In fact, around 11:13, firefighters complain of a shortage of emergency personnel.

“Why are there so few paramedics now?”

Soon after, the second stage of response was issued, but voices say that it is difficult to bring patients out.

“Even if we load patients, we won’t be able to get out.” “I have to take him away. I can’t do anything now.”

In addition to this, the firefighters had to control the citizens remaining in the alley to get out.

For this reason, even the classification of severe cases was not carried out until 11:16 pm, about an hour after the estimated time of the disaster.

“Isn’t there an ambulance that is severe?” “I have to, but I can’t.”

In an urgent situation, firefighters search for health center personnel, but

“The health center needs to come.” “I don’t think we can do it alone because we haven’t arrived yet.”

The head of the Yongsan Health Center arrived near the site at around 11:30, but returned to the Yongsan-gu Office, saying that access was difficult due to the large number of people.

In the end, after 11:23, these words come out.

“People who give up should give up and save people who can be saved first.”

The police said that 45 minutes from the time of the disaster, that is, until 11:00 is the golden time to reduce human casualties, but even after passing this, the rescue operation was not carried out properly.

An ambulance 3 hours ago predicted difficulties in disaster rescue activities.

It was once again revealed that no government agency, including the police, firefighting, Yongsan-gu Office, Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, failed to fulfill its role, leading to a major disaster.

This is YTN Sunghoon Yoon.

YTN Seonghun Yoon (ysh02@ytn.co.kr)

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