[국제]Diplomatic War ends in November… South Korea, the U.S., and Japan vs. North Korea, China, and Russia


This month, the stage of multilateral diplomacy that led to ASEAN, the G20, and APEC came to an end.

The search for dialogue and coexistence was short-lived, but the confrontational angle between Korea, the US and Japan versus North Korea, China and Russia became clearer.

This is Correspondent Kang Jeong-kyu in Beijing.


The first face-to-face meeting between the leaders of the US and China, which took place on the occasion of the G20, is evaluated as a place to confirm the line that each other should not cross.

Conversely, it is also a signal of infinite competition within the ‘red line’.

The United States continued to hold series of talks with South Korea and Japan, raising the level of encirclement and pressure on China.

It was decided to discuss a new Indo-Pacific strategy and establish a new ‘Economic Security Dialogue’.

[조 바이든 / 미국 대통령 (지난 13일) : 오늘 우리는 공급망과 경제 회복력을 강화 방안과 타이완 해협에서 평화·안정 유지 방안 등을 논의할 것입니다.]

China responded with individual defeats by scheduling additional meetings with the leaders of South Korea and Japan.

[시진핑 / 중국 국가주석 (지난 15일) : 지금 세계는 새로운 격동의 변혁기에 들어섰습니다. 진정한 다자주의를 함께 진행해나가야 합니다.]

It was the North Korean nuclear issue that revealed the biggest difference in position.

Despite the pressure from the United States to increase military power around the Korean Peninsula, China crossed its arms and even gave the impression that it was trying to get rid of its hands.

As if ridiculing the stage of serial multilateral diplomacy, it is the background for North Korea to launch an ICBM, and it is a concern about additional ‘misjudgment’.

[北 조선중앙TV : 우리의 핵 무력이 그 어떤 핵 위협도 억제할 수 있는 신뢰할 만한 또 다른 최강의 능력을 확보한 데 대하여…]

In the face of the trilateral cooperation between Korea, the United States and Japan, China and Russia are also keeping pace by holding foreign ministers’ meetings and North Korean nuclear representatives’ meetings.

This is why there are observations that the UN Security Council emergency meeting in response to North Korea’s ICBM launch could end empty-handed again.

This is YTN Jungkyu Kang from Beijing.

YTN Kang Jeong-gyu ([email protected])

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