[우크라 침공] Civilian bodies in the recovered city… “Russia, Planned Massacre” (Comprehensive)

Crying old woman hugging Ukrainian soldiers

picture explanationCrying old woman hugging Ukrainian soldiers

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The horrors of the war are being revealed as Ukrainian forces reclaim the northern regions, including around the capital Kiiu, the Associated Press and the British Telegraph reported on the 2nd (local time).

Ukrainian forces announced today that they had completely recaptured Kiiu and its surrounding areas.

Russian troops withdrew from the area near Kiiu several days ago, and Ukrainian forces pursued the retreating Russians and pushed them to the northern border.

The tragedy of the war is known as Ukrainian forces recapture northern cities near Kiiu.

About 20 bodies in civilian clothes were found on a street alone in a city Bucha on the outskirts of Kiiwu, northwest of Kiiwu, some with their hands bound, the Telegraph said.

In the secondary, testimonies continued that the Russian army indiscriminately killed civilians.

According to one eyewitness, a 33-year-old woman was shot and killed by Russian soldiers while evacuating in a car with her two young sons.

“As the Russian troops withdrew, they shot and killed civilians walking for no reason,” one resident told the Associated Press.

Ukrainian soldiers were also seen tying ropes to corpses left on the street and pulling them out.

Earlier, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed that retreating Russian troops had planted landmines in private homes, abandoned equipment and the bodies of civilians killed.

The Associated Press reported that Zelensky’s claims could not be confirmed by any other means.

There are also claims that the Russian military used children in front of vehicles as ‘human shields’ to prevent a counterattack by the Ukrainian army against tanks and military vehicles.

The British daily The Guardian reported that Russian forces held children hostage on many battlefields to prevent local residents from telling Ukrainian troops their route.

Ukraine’s foreign minister, Dmitro Kuleva, denounced the killing of civilians in a secondary car, calling it a “planned genocide”, AFP news agency reported.

“Russians aim to get rid of as many Ukrainians as possible,” he wrote on Twitter. “We must stop them and expel them.”

He also called for the imposition of incredibly strong new sanctions on the G7 countries immediately.

Russian tanks spread out in a city outside Kiiu

picture explanationRussian tanks spread out in a city outside Kiiu

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Ukrainian human rights ombudsman Lyudmila Denisova said, “There have been reports of Russian military use of children in preparation for attacks in Sumi, Kiiu and Chernivu.”

The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine has also begun to secure relevant data to confirm the authenticity of these allegations.

At least 412 children have been killed or injured in Russian military attacks since the outbreak of war in Ukraine on February 24. Of these, 158 died.

Russia, pushed back from the northern front, is moving its key troops one after another to eastern and southern Ukraine.

Ukraine claims that Russia is gathering troops in Transnistria, a pro-Russian-occupied territory in neighboring Moldova. It is located near Odessa, a city in southwestern Ukraine.

Transnistria denied this.

'Flying flags'...  Ukrainian forces entering the recovery zone

picture explanation‘Flying flags’… Ukrainian forces entering the recovery zone

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