[자막뉴스] Old coffee beans and underground water… There was a reason for the tasteless rest stop coffee.

2023-09-30 01:25:53
When you buy coffee at a rest stop, have you ever felt that the taste is sometimes different from that at a regular store?

I heard firsthand what citizens think.

[성상모 / 서울 안암동 : 글쎄요. 저는 똑같은 거 같은데요?]

There were some opinions that said there was no significant difference, but

[익명 / 휴게소 이용객 : 자주는 아니더라도 가끔 마시는데 아무래도 일반 매장보다 맛이 좀 더 연한 거 같긴 해요.]

[익명 / 휴게소 이용객 : 맛의 품질이 떨어졌다고 해야 할까요? 그런 부분이 부족해서 샷을 일부러 추가했는데 생각한 정도의 맛은 아닌 것 같아요.]

There are many opinions that the rest area coffee seems to have a lighter taste.

In fact, complaints complaining about coffee quality have been consistently posted on the Korea Expressway Corporation website.

They said they were dissatisfied with the taste of the coffee and felt like they lost money even though they paid the same price.

There are about 10 coffee brands available at rest areas across the country, with the top five brands accounting for 75% of the total.

The price of a cup of Americano is around 4,000 won, the same as at regular stores.

#자막뉴스 #coffee #beans #underground #water.. #reason #tasteless #rest #stop #coffee

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