[전국]”Because I didn’t want to drink alcohol”… 50s who set fire to the temple’s Daeungjeon


A man in his 50s who set fire to the main temple and completely burned it was caught by the police.

But, embarrassingly, the reason for the fire was that the temple did not allow alcohol to be drunk.

Reporter Park Jong-hyeok reports.


It is past midnight, a temple in Geoje, Gyeongsangnam-do.

The fire engulfed the entire Daeungjeon Hall.

The flames were so fierce that the building was red like molten iron in a furnace.

The fire was extinguished in 3 hours and Daeungjeon was reduced to ashes.

The believers who deal with the fire scene are just devastated.

[사찰 관계자 : 눈물 밖에 안 나와요. 개가 화상을 많이 입었어요. 그래도 산으로 안 옮겨붙어서 다행입니다.]

The fire started a little after midnight, so it is a vulnerable time for fire.

It is close to the forest here, so the fire could spread to the mountain.

[화재 진압 대원 : 소방대가 현장에 도착하자마자 네 방면에서 연소 확대 저지에 주력하면서 산불로 연소 확대되지 않도록 노력했고….]

Looking at the CCTV, the culprit is a male in his 50s.

He set the window curtains on fire and fled and was caught by the police.

Embarrassingly, the motive for the crime was that the temple was not allowed to drink alcohol.

[김태형 / 경남 거제경찰서 형사과장 : 피의자는 최근 사찰 내 식당에서 술을 마시려다가 제지를 당한 적이 있었는데 이에 앙심을 품고 범행을 계획했다고 진술하고 있습니다.]

The police applied for an arrest warrant for the man on charges of arson of a building in Hyeonju.

This is YTN Park Jong-hyuk.

YTN Park Jong-hyeok ([email protected])

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