💥 Physicists have created the first manipulatable time crystal

2024-02-14 12:00:06

The Universe is a theater of fascinating phenomena, where matter and energy comply with laws that often go beyond our imagination.

A remarkable breakthrough has just been made by a team from the University of Dortmund, in Germany. These researchers have created a time crystal of unprecedented durability, far beating the records of previous experiments. This discovery provides proof concrete (Concrete is a more or less hard paste obtained after extraction of a…) to one theory (The word theory comes from the Greek word theorein, which means “to contemplate, observe,…) proposed there is a decade (A decade is equal to ten years. The term derives from the Latin words decem “ten”…) by the Nobel Prize winner, Frank Wilczek (Frank Wilczek (May 15, 1951) is an American physicist. He, H. David Politzer and David Gross…)and which has since captivated the popular imagination through the movie theater (Cinema is a moving visual projection, most often with sound. The term…).

Crystals are known for their periodic arrangement of atoms in space, giving rise to their unique beauty and structure. At the same time, the notion of temporal crystal introduces a dimension (In common sense, the notion of dimension refers to size; the dimensions of a…) temporal at this periodicity. Wilczek suggested that a property physique (Physics (from the Greek φυσις, nature) is etymologically the…) could begin to vary periodically over time without any external influence. Until recently, the existence of such time crystals was a matter of debate scientist (A scientist is a person who devotes himself to the study of a science or sciences and who…) intense.

The first manifestations of time crystals, observed starting in 2017, required external periodic excitation. On the other hand, the time crystal created by the Dortmund team, under the direction of Dr. Alex Greilich, works differently. Using an indium gallium arsenide crystal, they discovered that polarisation (the polarization of electromagnetic waves; the polarization due to moments…) nuclear spins could spontaneously generate oscillations, thus realizing the idea of ​​a time crystal with constant temporal excitation.

Their crystal has a lifespan of at least 40 minutes, ten million times longer than previously demonstrated time crystals. This longevity (The longevity of a living being is the length of life for which it is…) offers a new perspective on the states of matter (Matter is the substance that makes up any body having a tangible reality. Its…) and their behavior over long periods of time.

The researchers also explored the possibility of changing the period of the crystal by adjusting the experimental conditions. They discovered that certain modifications can cause the crystal to “melt”, that is, lose its periodicity, revealing chaotic behavior that can persist for a long time.

This study was published in Nature Physics.

#Physicists #created #manipulatable #time #crystal

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