???? James Webb detects clouds formed from sand on this exoplanet

2023-11-21 07:00:06

The exoplanet WASP-107b, located about 200 light years from Earth, is a fascinating discovery for astronomers. This gas giant, comparable in size to Jupiter but having only 12% of its mass, has a surprisingly low density. This particularity allows researchers to analyze its atmosphere in depth (The word atmosphere can have several meanings:), revealing surprising characteristics.
Artist’s impression of WASP-107b and its parent star.

Observed using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), WASP-107b reveals an atmosphere rich in water vapor, sulfur dioxide (Sulfur dioxide (or sulfur dioxide) is a chemical compound made up of two…), and even in clouds of silicate, equivalent to very fine sand. These discoveries are changing our understanding of the chemistry of distant planets and their formation.

The low density of WASP-107b allows significant penetration of high-energy photons emitted by its star, which is less massive and cooler than our Sun. This phenomenon promotes the creation of sulfur dioxide in the planet’s atmosphere, a compound usually associated with the smell of matches. This discovery was a surprise for scientists, given the small quantity of light (Light is the set of electromagnetic waves visible to the eye…) of high energy emitted by the host star.

Clouds of silicate, or fine sand, form in a manner similar to clouds of water vapor on Earth. The sand droplets, as they condense and fall, encounter very hot layers of the atmosphere, transforming into silicate vapor before rising and recondensing into clouds.

Leen Decin, from the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, underlines the importance of these discoveries. Thanks to JWST, the study of exoplanets is making great strides, providing unprecedented insights into the characterization of planets outside our Solar System. This research (Scientific research refers primarily to all the actions undertaken with a view to…), published in the journal Nature, marks a crucial milestone in the understanding of planetary formation and evolution, shedding light on new day our own Solar System.

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