10 natural ways to treat anxiety, including exercise and a balanced diet

can cure worry In several ways, one common treatment option is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which helps provide people with tools to deal with anxiety when it occurs, and there are also some medications, such as antidepressants and tranquilizers, that work to balance brain chemistry and prevent anxiety attacks, according to the website healthline.

There is a natural way to help reduce anxiety for everyone.

1 – Activity

Regular exercise is not only good for physical health but can be very beneficial for your mental health as well, and a study found that people with anxiety disorders who reported a higher level of physical activity were better protected from the onset of anxiety symptoms..

2- Avoid alcohol

Drinking alcohol can interfere with the balance of neurotransmitters, which can be responsible for positive mental health, and this interference leads to imbalances that may lead to certain symptoms of anxiety, also alcohol disrupts the body’s natural ability to sleep by interfering with balance during sleep. .

3- Quit smoking

Research also indicates that nicotine and other chemicals in cigarette smoke alter pathways in the brain associated with anxiety.

4- Limit your caffeine intake

Research has shown that caffeine may cause or worsen anxiety disorders, and may also cause panic attacks in people with panic disorder. In some people, eliminating caffeine may significantly improve anxiety symptoms..

5- Get a good night’s rest

Sleeping over and over has been shown to be an important part of good mental health.

6- Meditation and mindfulness practice

The main goal of meditation is full awareness of the present moment, which includes noticing all thoughts in a non-judgmental way, and this can lead to a feeling of calm and contentment by increasing your tolerance for all thoughts and feelings..

7- Eat a balanced diet

Low blood sugar levels, dehydration, or chemicals in processed foods, such as artificial flavors, artificial coloring, and preservatives, may cause mood changes in some people, and a high-sugar diet may also affect mood..

8- Practice deep breathing

Deep breathing exercises – the deliberate act of taking slow, even breaths – can help restore normal breathing patterns and reduce anxiety.

9 – Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing therapy that has been used by humans for thousands of years. This practice uses natural plant extracts and essential oils to promote the health and well-being of mind, body, and spirit. Its goal is to promote physical and emotional health. Essential oils from natural plant extracts can be inhaled directly or added to a warm bath.

10 Drink chamomile tea

A cup of chamomile tea is a popular home remedy to calm frayed nerves and promote sleep.

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