10 Things China Changed Under Xi Jinping’s Leader

The 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China was closed last weekend, with Xi Jinping holding the party’s supreme power for a third term. Along with selecting the top leadership team in the regular committee of the Political Department come to rule the country All of them were close and loyal to Xi Jinping. Therefore, Xi’s great power in the third term was the most powerful after Chairman Mao Zedong. Founder of the People’s Republic of China

During Xi’s ten years as the party’s supreme power since the first term of leadership in 2012, China has made profound changes both within the country and the world.

Archyde.com has presented 10 stories or directions that have changed China under Xi’s leadership:

1. The Western World and the Allies of the United States have a worse understanding of China

relationship between China and the United States has deteriorated dramatically in recent years. The falcon government of former President Donald Trump has accelerated the decline. Western understanding is made worse by the human rights conflict. and the increase in China’s aggression towards Taiwan

File photo Archyde.com
2. Xi Jinping’s Anti-Corruption Campaign

After Xi took the throne of the party’s supreme power. then invaded and purged corruption within the party which calls for substantial popularity from the public But some analysts see Xi’s anti-corruption campaign as a tool to stave off political opposition.

3. Create order and order along the border that used to be a chaotic area.

Tibet Region, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, which is an Autonomous Region and a Special Administrative Region under Chinese Sovereignty. used to inflict heavy pain on the Communist Party of China

Xi has launched an unprecedented decisive action. Eliminate the thorns that threaten the stability of the land. and control the border regions

In Xinjiang, about one million Uighur Muslims Come to practice a career in a vocational camp.

In Hong Kong, Chinese authorities have instituted a national security law to quell anti-government protests in 2019, bringing the territory into a state of calm at Chinese schools.

4. Taiwan’s controversial temperature rises

A group of all China’s supreme leaders from the Mao Zedong era. All of them emphasized the importance of “unification of China” with the island forming the self-governing government of Taiwan.

Tensions in the Taiwan Strait heat up under Xi’s leadership. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army has increased activity around the island in recent years. and diligently conducting exercises to invade and challenge in the air defense zone

in august The Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Polosi also visited Taipei. Stimulates the dragon’s tentacles with great enthusiasm. And China responded by organizing a massive three-day siege of Taiwan. like never before as well

Archyde.com graphics.  Shows the military confrontation between China and Taiwan in 2022.
5. Play a larger role in the economy.

Xi took control of the government and guided the economic direction. including pursuing the most liberal sector in the private sector especially those online platforms and for-profit educational institutions

eradicating these sectors as well as the impact of COVID-19 control measures pushing up the unemployment rate in the city Along with consumer confidence dropped

6. The rate of economic growth slows down. higher income

The era of double-digit annual growth came to an end before Xi took the chairmanship of the first party chief. Then the growth rate curve thrust downward. This is inevitable as the economy expands. People’s incomes rose steadily within the lead of the colors.

A growing group of analysts have warned that the investment model focuses on the massive infrastructure sector. More will create unsustainable growth as the slowdown continues.

7. The suppression of those who disagree with the state and expand the sensor

Xi cracked down on protest and critical groups in Hian country. Close the arena for discriminating people. internal censorship “Great Firewall” (Great Firewall) is intense.

8. The World’s Largest Army, Expansive, Modern

Chinese People’s Liberation Army with the leading color filled the gap (development) between the United States including in the deep sea which is related to tensions around the island of Taiwan As China’s ability to hold on to stronger Some US officials have warned that the deadline for Taiwan reunification has been shortened.

China takes the lead in green technology.  And has become a world leader in electric vehicle production in the image of
9. China takes the lead in green technology. and in the elimination of pollution

China fights to reduce its dependence on coal until becoming a world leader in the production of new energy vehicles It also calls out a wave of praise for its commitment to achieving carbon neutrality in 2060 (meaning net zero carbon emissions or greenhouse gas emissions). Most notably, quality. The weather in China has improved in the past ten years.

10. Eliminate Extreme Poverty But the inequality persists.

Xi has announced a mission to eradicate extreme poverty. It is a masterpiece of the Communist Party of the past ten years.

In terms of equality, however, there is still a big challenge. especially the income gap between urban and rural people. Xi tried to resolve the issue by raising the policy. “Common Prosperity”

The number of the Gini coefficient that measures the disparity in China’s income distribution. although it has declined in the past few years. But China is still one of the major economic zones. with the highest income inequality same as the US

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