130 kg weight, 6 m length, hooked on bait, huge oar fish; Amazed onlookers

A fisherman in eastern Taiwan caught a huge oar fish on his bait. A 31-year-old fisherman, Lin Ai Fan, caught a huge fish weighing 130 kg and 6 meters long. This deep-sea fish rarely comes to the surface. They rarely get caught in the bait. The fish was obtained from the coast of Sianglan. When I tried to catch the fish after seeing the big bait, I realized that the bait was a huge fish. After about 40 minutes of effort, the fish was pulled up. In Taiwan, these fishes are known as ‘messengers from the dragon’s palace’, which predict natural disasters. Many people came to the fish market to see the fish.

Oar fish are found only in the deep sea. Very rarely they are found alive or dead on some beaches. They live about 1640 feet below sea level. Why these occur is still a mystery. A conclusion is that they may be injured and reach the shore when the sea is rough. There is another argument that it may come here in search of prey. But what is most relevant is another argument.

Oramtyas are giant fish that can predict natural disasters like tsunamis. The conclusion of the Japanese people is that it is a sign of a big earthquake to come. In general, the arrival of fish is a sign of disaster for the Japanese who live in the shadow of the threat of earthquakes. These creatures are able to sense even the slightest movement on the ground. The Japanese believe that the omens come to the coast usually before disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis. Although there is no scientific evidence for their belief, the reason for its strengthening is the earthquake in Fukushima in 2011. More than fifteen thousand people lost their lives in the disaster that day. Before this disaster, about a dozen oar fish had washed up on the coast of Japan.

They are found at depths of about 660 to 3280 feet below sea level. They have a shiny silver body and red fins. In Japan, oar fish are known as namasu. Locals believe that these fish are the emissaries of the sea king’s palace. These fish come ashore with the signal of disaster like tsunami or earthquake. In a similar manner, oar fish have been found in many parts of the world.

There are three categories of oar fish. The largest of these are the oar fish, the Japanese messengers of death. Their food is small fishes, prawns and jelly fishes. The researchers concluded that the changes in the sea due to global warming may be the reason why the oar fish in the deep sea reach the water surface. Although researchers have repeatedly stated that this is a superstition, many people are not ready to accept it.

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