2024 Changes to MaPrimeRénov’: Eligibility Criteria, Impacts, and How to Benefit

2023-12-17 20:23:41

The amounts and criteria of “MaPrimeRénov'” will change from January 1, 2024. No more small insulation work, only total renovations will now be subsidized. The TF1 news release reveals the terms and conditions exclusively.

As of January 1, 2024, the eligibility rules for MaPrimeRénov’ become stricter. As a preview, the TF1 news reveals the terms of this state aid, version 2024, which will be examined this Monday, December 18 at the National Housing Council. Until now, small exterior insulation jobs were covered, as demonstrated by a beneficiary in the report at the top of this article. For a bill of 17,000 euros, he obtained a bonus of 6,000 euros. If he had done this work next year, he would not have benefited from it.

Spend more to insulate more

From now on, owners of thermal strainers (energy performance F and G) will only be able to benefit from the bonus if they undertake major renovations.

First option, the installation of a renewable energy heating system (for example a heat pump or a stove). Second option, carrying out a bunch of work such as changing your boiler and insulating your walls from the outside. Finally, third option, a comprehensive renovation which involves at least two insulation works and the jump of two energy classes within the meaning of the DPE (for example moving from class F to D) at the end of the renovation.

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Let’s take the example of a house from the 1950s whose fuel oil has been replaced by a heat pump and the attic and walls have been insulated. Cost of the bill for this household with two children: only 2,000 euros for 50,000 euros of work. “It’s incredible. First of all, we wouldn’t have imagined having all this work done for this price”, welcomes the owner. Next year, this couple could even have changed all the windows and been even more successful.

“This year, he has 2,000 euros left to pay for his overall project. Next year, by adding 25,000 euros for window work, he would have had 12,000 euros left to pay, but with accommodation classified B”explains Olivier Jeanson, sales director at Isobio, a company which offers ecological renovation work.

In summary, to get the most out of the new version of MaPrimeRénov’, owners are encouraged to spend more, to insulate more. “It will force people to spend more, perhaps, than what they had initially planned for their work. So it could be a hindrance for certain people who had a defined budget for their work and no more”underlines Audrey Zermati, strategy director of the Effy group, specialist in energy renovation.

Next year, a household of four people should be eligible for MaPrimeRénov’ if its annual income is a maximum of 63,235 euros – a ceiling which will be higher in Ile-de-France.

V. F | Report TF1: Pierre Gallacio, Ludovic Romanens and Stefan Iorgulescu

#MaPrimeRénov #winners #losers

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