37. Vienna City Council (9) | PID press

2023-04-25 18:17:45

Urgent request

Vienna (OTS/RK) GRin Mag. Nicole Berger-Krotsch (SPÖ) underlined the importance of topics “that involve children or discrimination”. Vienna is the city of “mutual respect and togetherness”. As the mother of a ten-year-old son, you enjoy discussing socio-political aspects. Both language and symbols, such as rainbow-colored zebra crossings, would make important issues visible. The pamphlet that the FPÖ presented would not stand for the respect and cooperation that Vienna needs.

GR Stefan Berger (FPÖ) criticized the lack of financial support for sports clubs and music schools. With a functioning club system, “one or the other school psychiatrist would also be unnecessary.” Funding for queer clubs would be better off there. What one gets to hear in connection with gender politics is “brain anathema”. In the area of ​​migration, too, there are more important questions than “well-being in one’s own body”. Many other areas would need support.

GRin Veronika Matiasek (FPÖ) addressed a difference in the appearance of Dame Edna and the drag queens. Mayor Ludwig claimed to have grown up with Dame Edna without suffering any permanent damage. The drag queens would be actively introduced to the children. Children and young people would be looking for lifelines. The offer of the drag queens would suggest that they look for solutions to problems in sexuality. The result is sometimes irreversible hormone therapies that often do more harm than good to children and young people. Serious diagnoses could only be made by clinical psychiatrists. One is on the way to children and young people “supposedly doing good under the cloak, harming them.” Puberty blockers must be “made impossible”. Men who pretend to feel feminine would get access to women’s teams in sports. One must “put a stop to this development”. The USA is already much further on this topic. There are deficits in the psychiatric and psychotherapeutic care of children and adolescents. These would have to be remedied in order to ensure the necessary stability for those affected. People who want to live “gender fluid” are a tiny minority.

GR Anton Mahdalik (FPÖ) stated that he was neither “homophobic nor transphobic”. However, there are only two genders. It is “irresponsible that the City of Vienna advertises hormone blockers on its website”. As a “hetero, you would soon feel like a moral rascal.” Mahdalik criticized the monument to Che Guevara in the Danube Park. Guevara was “not only a mass murderer, but also a homophobe,” said Mahdalik. The memorial should be removed or provided with an additional plaque for the victims of Guevara. In 2017 there would have been plans to erect a memorial to Ho Chi Minh, who would have murdered a million people. Mahdalik cannot understand this idealization of mass murderers.

After the debate on the Urgent Question, the agenda resumed.

Amendment of the Vienna Dog Release Ordinance

GR Ing. Udo Guggenbichler, MSc (FPÖ) said that in contrast to the previous topic, the present postal item would affect all Viennese*, “and not just one per mille”. The increase in rents in Vienna was carried out by the city, not by the federal government. The federal government merely “did not prohibit” the increase. Guggenbichler asked for approval of an application submitted to reduce or eliminate various taxes and duties. A second motion concerned a ban on begging with animals.

GR Dipl.-Ing. Martin Margulies (GREEN) said at the beginning that we had to fight inflation together. The Greens would also try to do this at federal level and would also like to assert themselves better in the future, but this would require the cooperation he mentioned. Margulies advocated rent caps. Rents are too high, Margulies said. Finally, he addressed an application that had been submitted to compensate for the federal government’s contribution to promoting culture in the course of the financial equalization negotiations. Margulies demanded that the cultural subsidy should be phased out.

GRin Katharina Weninger, BA (SPÖ) said that the FPÖ’s application for tax and fee reductions was “not worthy of a real political discussion.” The application also came from a party that criticized many of the things in the application, such as poverty in old age or social cuts be responsible. Weninger will also not agree to the Green Party’s application on the subject of ORF. Both motions would also have nothing to do with the topic of the debate.

Vote: The ordinance was passed unanimously, the opposition motions did not find the necessary majorities. (cont.) wei/gaa

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