5 Effective Body Toning Exercises for Quick Results

2023-11-11 17:00:53

Regardless of the time of year we find ourselves, the desire to improve our physique and thus project the best image of ourselves is always a constant, so it never hurts to progressively improve some of our habits until we see it achieved. our objectives.

However, many times the idea that change requires a great amount of effort tends to demotivate us and distance us from our real objective, which often has to do with looking slim and toned to conform to that canon of beauty with which we most like. we feel comfortable.

Faced with this dilemma between effort and obtaining the dream body through easy techniques, here at VANIDADES we present 5 exercises that work the entire body and that you should integrate into your routines to tone your muscles quickly.

One of the best exercises to work the gluteus, abdomen and legs (GAP) are bridges, which are performed without any extra attachment to the body and which you should perform as follows:

Lie on the floor on your back, bend your knees and plant your ankles firmly on the ground. With your arms well stretched and your palms pushing down, raise your buttocks and thighs upward, as much as you can, until forming a kind of arch or bridge. Go down and repeat again.

To notice the effectiveness in the muscle, it is recommended to perform between 15 and 20 repetitions per series.

“Bird-dog” exercise

An excellent combination between yoga, cardio and exercise in series is the transition from the dog to the bird which has benefits mainly in the abdomen, legs and arms, making your muscles tone quickly. To perform this combination of postures you will have to do the following:

Extend each of your arms and legs contralaterally. If you want to progress, you can place your knee on an instability or do the movement with a small weight in your hand. In any case, axial elongation, control the abdomen and flow.

Repeat 10 to 12 on each side

For this exercise you will need a resistance band, since this increases the level of difficulty of the movement and makes your muscles grow and look defined in less time. Carry it out as follows:

From a quadruped position with the support of your elbows, you must extend each of your legs separately, trying to reach the extension of the spine. Maintain scapular stability and grip the rubber with both hands.

Perform 15 to 18 repetitions for each leg in each of your sets.

This exercise works practically the entire body and the only thing you need to implement in your routines is a kettlebell, which you should use as follows:

Grab the weight with both hands and bring it towards you with your legs bent, chest up and back straight. The weight should go on the inside of our legs and your forearms should collide with the groin. During the movement, the hips should be back and the torso in front.

Take advantage of the pendulum impulse to raise the weight above the shoulders using the power of our hips and extend the legs.

You will need to do 12 to 15 repetitions per set of this exercise.

Side plank on knees

Being an alternative to the typical plank position, which usually generates a lot of aversion, there is this exercise, which is performed in the following way, bringing benefits such as an almost immediate waist reduction:

Place one of your knees on the floor, then raise and lower your hips several times. As a regression you can support the top leg. Remember to align your head well in extension of your spine.

Do 8 to 10 ups and downs on each side.

#exercises #integrate #routines #tone #muscles #quickly

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