Eating Resistant Starch for Improved Health: The Key to Fatty Liver Disease and Weight Loss

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2023-09-25 11:41:22

Many people are accustomed to eating rice or pasta as the staple food of every meal, but it turns out that switching to another type of starch is more beneficial to health! A Taiwanese doctor shared a foreign research report and pointed out that replacing every staple food with resistant starch can improve fatty liver disease by 40% following 4 months and also help with weight loss.

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3 major health improvements from eating resistant starch

Taiwanese bariatric doctor Xiao Jiejian in hisFacebook pagepointed out that visceral fat, especially fatty liver, can easily lead to chronic hepatitis, diabetes, systemic inflammation and other problems, and is even one of the root causes of cardiovascular disease. However, there are currently no effective drugs in the medical field for treating fatty liver, so many people will improve the problem by losing weight.

He shared a study published in the medical journal “Cell Metabolism” in September this year on the relationship between resistant starch and fatty liver. Studies have found that as long as the staple food is replaced with resistant starch, fatty liver disease will naturally improve by 40% following 4 months. The research team invited 200 patients with fatty liver disease and divided them into two groups. One group consumed resistant starch every day, while the other group consumed the same amount of non-resistant cornstarch.

After 4 months of continuous follow-up, it was found that the severity of fatty liver in the group that ate regular starch had almost remained unchanged, and their weight had not changed at all. On the contrary, the group that ate resistant starch experienced the following three major improvements:

Fatty liver severity dropped from 24 to 13; triglyceride levels dropped by regarding 40%; weight dropped from an average of 83 kilograms (regarding 182.6 pounds) to 78 kilograms (regarding 171.6 pounds).

In addition, in addition to improvements in fatty liver and weight, body fat has also been reduced.

3 major advantages of resistant starch

The research team emphasized that the improvement of fatty liver is not due to weight loss, but because resistant starch can alleviate chronic inflammation of the intestines and plays an important role in the intestinal-liver axis together with intestinal bacteria, LPS lipopolysaccharides and short-chain fatty acids. character of. Dr. Xiao summarized the three major advantages of resistant starch:

Blood sugar is absorbed slowly and fat accumulation is not easy:When resistant starch is ingested, the body will absorb it slowly, so blood sugar will not rise sharply. Instead, it will slowly turn into glycogen and store it in the muscles instead of turning into fat and accumulating in the internal organs.Reduce intestinal inflammation and make the gut-liver axis healthierResistant starch helps reduce intestinal inflammation and the production of lipopolysaccharides. When intestinal inflammation is reduced, the inflammatory response and stress in the liver will also be reduced, so fatty liver disease can be improved. Past studies have found that Roseburia intestinalis and Klebsiella pneumoniae in the intestines can affect liver health; animal experiments have confirmed that transplanting feces from mice eating resistant starch into the intestines of other mice will It was found that LPS lipopolysaccharide, liver cirrhosis and liver inflammation index were reduced.Reduce heat absorption:Using resistant starch instead of refined starch can increase satiety and reduce calorie absorption. For example, sweet potatoes, overnight oats, brown rice, beans such as mung beans, black beans or lentils, green bananas, etc. all contain a lot of resistant starch. However, it should be noted that the increase in resistant starch content by cooling is usually not much, and the resistant starch will decrease once heated, so it is better to choose foods containing resistant starch.

8 Resistant Starch Foods

Taiwanese nutritionist Li Chenghan (Dodo) once shared 8 types of resistant starch foods on his Instagram page:

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The content received “Bariatric doctor Xiao Jiejian“Authorized publication.

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Written by: Guo Zifeng

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Beautiful Life|Research: Eating a type of starch for 4 months improved fatty liver disease by 40% and reduced weight by 11 pounds|Attached are examples of 8 types of foods – Qingbao – Health – Diet and Exercise – D230925

Health; Girls; Food; Cooking; Resistant Starch; Fatty Liver; Weight Loss; Health; Beautiful Life

Beautiful Life|Research: Eating a type of starch for 4 months improved fatty liver disease by 40% and reduced weight by 11 pounds|Attached are examples of 8 types of foods – Qingbao – Health – Diet and Exercise

Many people are accustomed to eating rice or pasta as the staple food of every meal, but it turns out that switching to another type of starch is more beneficial to health! A Taiwanese doctor shared a foreign research report and pointed out that replacing every staple food with resistant starch can improve fatty liver disease by 40% following 4 months and also help with weight loss. Also shown on the same scene: Healt B2%E9%A3%9F%E4%B8%80%E7%A8%AE%E6%BE%B1%E7%B2%89%E3%80%804%E5%80%8B%E6%9C%88% E8%84%82%E8%82%AA%E8%82%9D%E6%94%B9%E5%96%8440%25%E3%80%80%E9%AB%94%E9%87%8D% E9%99%8D11%E7%A3%85%EF%BD%9C%E9%99%848%E9%A1%9E%E9%A3%9F%E7%89%A9%E4%BE%8B%E5% AD%90


Diet and exercise





Healthy eating and exercise

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Starch Resistant Fatty Liver Intestinal Eating Resistant Fat Research Lipopolysaccharide Taiwan Food Doctor’s Page Weight Calories Staple Food Xiao Jiejian Internal Organs Rat Problems Liver Hepatitis Diabetes Systemic Inflammation Qingbao Channel Entertainment Information Zhong You Activities


Beautiful-Life-Study-Eating a type of starch-Fat liver disease improved by 40% in 4 months-Weight dropped by 11 pounds-Attached are 8 types of food examples

#Beautiful #LifeResearch #Eating #type #starch #months #improved #fatty #liver #disease #reduced #weight #poundsAttached #examples #types #foods #Qingbao #Health #Diet #Exercise

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