5 Reasons to Keep Cycling in Winter: Benefits of Electric Biking for Health and Wellness

2023-12-17 16:30:00

Here are some reasons to motivate yourself to continue cycling in winter.

Okay, it’s winter. Even though the summer and the heat lasted longer this year, this time we are there. And we’re not going to lie, continuing to cycle when it’s cold, gray, wet, and dark at 5 p.m. is not the first thing that comes to mind.

A change in ritual which results in a phenomenon that we see every year at the same time: the cycle lanes empty, and we often find ourselves alone in the world pedaling, especially after 6 p.m. Which by the way, it must be admitted, is not unpleasant.

However, if you are the lucky owner of an electric bike, you may have noticed that it offers much more than just the ease of getting from point A to point B. In reality, it can be your unexpected ally for a healthier life, even when winter temperatures set in. Here are five reasons why electric cycling can benefit your health, even when the first frosts have arrived and a sneaky blizzard awaits around the corner. Because yes, even if you pedal with assistance, you are getting exercise, and that is beneficial.

Electric cycling is good for cardiovascular health

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the scourges of our time. However, it is known that heart attacks and strokes can often be avoided through an active lifestyle. Electric cycling offers an effective way to stimulate your heart, lungs and blood circulation, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease with every ride. Of numerous studies reveal that regular cycling protects against heart disease.

It allows you to exercise without the trauma that goes with it

Pedaling an electric bike provides an excellent, low-impact cardio exercise. Contrary to popular belief, cycling puts the entire body in motion and provides exercise from head to toe. By activating the muscles of the ankles, knees and hips in a non-impact way, the electric bike constitutes a complete exercise. Additionally, it also engages the upper body muscles, including the abdominals, wrists, elbows, shoulders and neck. Before leaving, a few stretches are always a good idea to prepare your muscles, even if you are not naturally flexible. Also remember to optimize the comfort of your frame, an essential – and often neglected – element for a truly positive experience.

It can even strengthen the immune system

Do you regularly feel tired? Regular e-bike rides may be the answer. Exercise helps reduce the risk of heart disease while maintaining bone health. Even if the mechanism has not yet been formally identified, it seems that exercise, particularly respiratory exercise, such as cycling, seems to help eliminate bacteria from the lungs and respiratory tract, thus reducing the risk of colds and flus. Additionally, the change in antibodies and white blood cells strengthens the immune system, making them circulate faster and detect diseases earlier.

It helps keep fishing

Regular use of an electric bike is not limited to the physical benefits. It can also give you new energy and increased enthusiasm. Regular exercise, in addition to its physical benefits, has a positive impact on the state of mind, reducing stress and improving mental health. The improved mental outlook also helps strengthen the immune system. Honestly, knowing that you’re going to have a short trip in the morning before work, and in the evening when you get home, and burn a few calories while gently strengthening your muscles and cardio, what could be more exciting?

It allows you to maintain an active lifestyle in winter

Here we are. Winter, the season of overeating and sitting under the duvet watching series, is the worst enemy of physical health. If it is not forbidden to take it easy, relax, and eat well, it is not incompatible with some outings. Even during the winter months, e-biking provides a valuable opportunity to stay active. While the gym confines you, the electric bike allows you to enjoy outdoor activity all year round, without straining, or just enough. Fresh air and exercise combined are beneficial for the body and mind, helping you stay active and healthy even during the coldest seasons.

What if you really fear the cold? A quality windbreaker, even if it is very thin, can be more effective than a layer of three sweaters, when it is slipped under a thicker layer such as a down jacket or an anorak. Also don’t forget to add accessories such as a scarf, balaclava or full face visor, as the face and neck are often the areas most exposed to the cold. In winter, the hands are particularly vulnerable due to their constant exposure and the strain placed on the handlebars, hindering blood circulation. No matter how thick the gloves are, nail damage can occur quickly. An effective solution to keep your fingers warm, in addition to wearing quality gloves, is to install sleeves on the handlebars. With this type of equipment, you considerably increase your chances of permanently solving the problem of cold hands.

A little technical advice in passing, which this time concerns the health of your… battery: if despite all this you still take a break in winter and you no longer use your VAE or very little, remember not to leave it with the battery fully charged as this may damage it. The ideal is to ensure that the battery remains with a charge of around 50%. On the other hand, if you can keep your VAE warm and sheltered outside of journeys that is ideal, but in any case do not hesitate to wash it regularly with soap and water to remove mud and salt.

Even if it is your main use, the electrically assisted bicycle goes beyond a simple means of transport. It is also your health companion, physical and mental, even when the thermometer goes down. And yes, you can exercise as much on an electric bike as on a mechanical bike. To do this, simply adjust the assistance parameters, or with equal assistance, cover more distance, which will have the advantage of allowing you to see more of the landscape.


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