5 unusual foods for better heart health

Heart disease is the second leading cause of death in the country. As with most conditions, good nutrition contributes to better heart health and helps reduce the risk of disease.

Here are some foods that may contribute to better heart health.

1. Lawyers

Avocados, although they can be expensive, are an excellent source of monounsaturated fat.

According to Healthline, these promote lower cholesterol levels and a lower risk of heart disease.

Moreover, the high level of potassium found in avocados would allow a reduction in blood pressure associated with a 15% less chance of having a heart attack, argues a study.

2. Walnuts

These hard-shelled nuts are an excellent source of fiber and micronutrients like magnesium.

A 2009 study demonstrated that participants who ate more walnuts had lower cholesterol levels.

Healthline magazine adds that people who eat nuts regularly, regardless of the type, are often less at risk of suffering from heart disease.

3. Soybeans (edamame)

Edamame are unripened soybeans often used in Asian cooking.

They include several heart-healthy nutrients like fiber and antioxidants.

4. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is also an excellent source of antioxidants.

According a studya moderate consumption of chocolate could reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

Attention! Excessive consumption, however, could negate all its benefits and cause you even more problems. Six servings of chocolate per week are generally recommended.

5. Garlic

For centuries, garlic has been used in many cultures as a food with a thousand and one benefits.

Allicin is a constituent that gives garlic all of its therapeutic effects. A study showed that the food helped lower cholesterol levels.

However, be sure to eat garlic raw or let it sit for a few minutes before cooking to get the most benefits.

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