5 ways to stay active as you age

Combination of strength training and regular exercise, important for maintaining muscle mass

elderly exercise
For older people, it is recommended to add moderate to high-intensity muscle-strengthening exercises twice a week. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Muscle mass and stamina can begin to decline gradually from the age of 30. Women tend to age faster than men due to menopause, hormonal changes, and biological differences. However, there are many ways to improve this problem.

It’s important to stay physically active as you get older. This is because it can help relieve chronic pain, reduce stress, and maintain quality of life. U.S. health media ‘VerywellHealth.com’ introduced 5 actionable ways to safely maintain physical activity, including exercise and diet.

1. exercise regularly

Health guidelines recommend that adults do 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75-150 minutes of vigorous activity per week. Moderate-intensity aerobic activities include brisk walking, dancing, and gardening. Running, jumping rope, and hiking with a heavy backpack are strenuous activities.

Meghan Lau, a geriatric expert at New York University’s Langon Health, said the type and duration of exercise depend on an individual’s physical abilities. “For some, regular exercise may simply mean walking in the park, but for those with better physique it can be running,” he said.

No matter how old you are, it’s never too late to start exercising. You need to find an activity of any kind that you find interesting and enjoyable. “Starting an exercise routine or incorporating more physical activity into your daily routine is important to staying functional as you age,” he added.

2. Do muscle-strengthening exercises

For older people, it is recommended to add moderate to high-intensity muscle-strengthening exercise twice a week. Resistance training can help maintain muscle mass. “Strength training becomes more important as we get older,” says Dr. Lau, “because you need strength to do normal activities, whether it’s shopping or lifting things.” Strength training activities include lifting dumbbells, using resistance bands, climbing stairs, push-ups, sit-ups, and squats.

3. Balance high-intensity and low-intensity exercise

“Incorporate high-intensity and low-intensity exercise into your daily routine, but in a safe and balanced way,” says Matthew Best, research director for sports medicine at Johns Hopkins University. For example, high-intensity activities such as running or jumping rope may be beneficial for some people, but put them at risk of injury or pain for others.

People with joint problems or pain should avoid worsening symptoms. He said, “We recommend activities such as cycling, ellipticals and water aerobics for patients with arthritis or chondrosis. This can help reduce pain from high-intensity activity.”

4. Warm-up, cool-down, and stretch

Another way to stay physically active safely as you age is to warm up well.

“A proper warm-up before exercise can reduce the risk of injury,” said Dr. Best. “Stretching can be incorporated into a warm-up routine and can help maintain flexibility, even for those who exercise regularly.”

It is also important to cool the body and stretch after exercise to prevent injury. “Stretching helps with flexibility and balance,” Lau said.

5. Stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet

Eating a balanced diet of protein, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish, chicken, beans, and nuts is just as important to staying healthy as exercise.

“In addition to diet, you need to pay attention to adequate hydration,” said Dr. Best. “Drinking water is also important for maintaining activity because it replaces lost fluids and helps regulate body temperature during physical exertion and activity.” . Water plays a large role in a variety of biological functions. “Hydration is especially important for the elderly, as dehydration increases with age due to various factors,” he added.

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